Thursday, May 2, 2013


Shortly before we left home I purchased a brass padlock.
Then I took it to the local engraver and asked him if he could engrave something onto it for me.
He gave me a look - you know- like "Here's a strange one!"
So I explained that I was going to Paris and there is a bridge there where lovers place a padlock.

His eyes lit up and he burst into French!
When I asked if he was French he explained he was actually Swiss.
"Oh! I' m going to Switzerland too!"
Even better.
We chatted about his homeland and why he had moved to Australia (a woman of course !) and then he set to work engraving
"Helen & Tony 2013" only he put a heart instead of the & sign....
(Why didn't I think of that?)
.... and when I went to pay him he refused to take any money!!!
What a sweetie!

So today, on our last day in Paris, we took ourselves off to the Pont des Artes to put our padlock on the bridge.

The Lovers' Bridge !

Awwwwww !

It is amazing ! I love it !

I LOVE Paris !

So today's photos are about the Pont des Artes.
When you come to Paris, don't forget your padlock. It's a lovely tradition.

Tomorrow we pick up our hire car and we head south. Don't know what the wifi access will be like down there in the little hilltop village of Fayence.



  1. That lovely - I have heard of that bridge but never seen it. It looks full, do they take any off, or just fit in where you can?
    Enjoy your holiday
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

  2. There's lots of room still Julie!

  3. I've heard of this bridge too - it was mentioned in a novel I read once that partly set in France. I really enjoyed your photos of it and it looks exactly as I pictured it as I read the book!

  4. I have never heard of that tradition before. It is lovely. Enjoy your days in Europe!

  5. I was going to say I'd look out for your padlock when we go to Paris later this year but seeing your photos and the number there maybe not!! Lovely idea isn't it. Enjoy the next stage of your holiday and drive carefully!!

  6. I have never heard of that either, but what a lovely idea! It reminded me a bit of the ribbons and flowers people tie to the Hawthorn trees here, but all in metal.
    I hope the bridge can take all the extra weight :-D

  7. Aw, lovely, Helsie. And it's nice to see you two lovebirds are still as romantic as ever!
    Sorry I've not been around lately. I had some problems with my internet. All my own fault. It is now fixed so I can follow your hols from now on.

  8. I had never heard of it either -- are all the locks from 2013?

  9. That is amazing! (Oh- not that you two are so romantic- that there is such a bridge!) I have not heard of it. So much more sophisticated than New Zealand's shoe fence.

  10. Oh Helsie, what a lovely thing to do. It reminds me so much of what hubby and I did in the Lovers Walk in the Cinque Terre, Italy last year. It looks like you are having a wonderful time. Enjoy! Looking forward to seeing what you do next.
    Anne xx

  11. Oh Helsie, what a lovely thing to do. It reminds me so much of what hubby and I did in the Lovers Walk in the Cinque Terre, Italy last year. It looks like you are having a wonderful time. Enjoy! Looking forward to seeing what you do next.
    Anne xx
