Wednesday, May 1, 2013


The plan for Tuesday was to take the train to Giveny to visit Monet's famous garden and with the help of a wonderful phone ap that helps you find your way anywhere using the Paris Metro it wasn't long till we were on our way on a fast train to Vernon.
Luckily, the crowds were not very large in this popular tourist spot and the gardens were spectacular.
The timing of our holiday meant we visited the gardens at tulip time and they were at their spectacular best. A riot of colour, the gardens stretched away from the pretty house towards the river. Green coloured frames everywhere contained climbing roses just coming into leaf, promising a wonderful display later in the summer and blossom trees with their soft white and pink were scattered about the garden too.
I think I took about 100 photos. I LOVE digital cameras. You can just click away to your heart's content without a worry.
Moving on from the colourful tulips you cross the road towards the river (Seine) using an underground walkway to the calm serenity of the water gardens where Monet painted the famous waterlily pictures and that wonderful green bridge. Of course everyone wanted their photo on the bridge so it was difficult to catch it unoccupied but I managed it as well as one with Tony there too. It is covered in a huge Wisteria which was about a week away from flowering but you can't have everything can you?
I'm so glad we managed a day here when the crowds were not too bad. I imagine it must be a real crush in the height of the tourist season.
We finished our visit with a tour of Monet's house and decided we could easily live in it. It has two huge bedrooms upstairs which look out over the gardens and downstairs has the loveliest kitchen and living rooms. Final photos of the garden then back to Paris on the train completed the outing.
Last night we strolled to my favourite restaurant in the world, Equinox, where we enjoyed a delightful dinner and conversation in broken French and English with a lovely waiter and the owner then we strolled home in a roundabout exploration of more of the fantastic Marais district in very cool temperatures and light rain.



  1. We visited in summer but on a damp and rather grey day - how lovely to be reminded of our day there though. I loved that kitchen with the beautiful tiles too. Did you know you can sometimes find tiny sea shells in the gravel in the Marais district dating from when it was a mud flat? I have one as a souvenir of a pleasant wander round that area.

  2. That brought it all back for me, wonderful. We have visited three times in different seasons, but I love the Spring with Tulips and irises. And the house....sorry, it's mine!

  3. It's so beautiful isn't it! We went at the end of August, so it was completely different. That's the magic of the place of the place I think, it is lovely in every season.
    Kathy xxx

  4. Oh my, the gardens are beautiful!! Glad you're having the chance to enjoy them!!

  5. How beautiful! The gardens are so Monet.

  6. Has Tony given you a French kiss yet? Be very wary when he starts talking about posting French letters!...The excursion to Monet's house and garden sounded and looked so lovely.

  7. Wow, love your pictures, the colours are beautiful! We went to Paris a few years ago for our Silver Wedding Anniversary, you can't help but take loads of pictures!

  8. 'Wondeful'. You said it. I have loved your stunning photos - the flowers, the CAKES!!!! the shopping gallery, the scenes... WOW! Glad you are having such fun.

  9. Delightful. I have never been to Giveny, but it looks well worth a visit. (When we were in Paris Legowolrd Paris was the main attraction as I was with the children).
    Thanks for sharing this all with us!

  10. It's on my bucket list. It looks beautiful.
