Monday, April 29, 2013


Let me say at the beginning of this post that I'm not a great shopper.
I'm not a tourist that spends too much time in shops buying clothes and souvenirs.
But today I saw the shop to end all shops!!!!
The wonderful Paris Galleries LaFayette.

In fact you could describe this shop as a work of art.
Filled with tastefully displayed, high end merchandise it positively sparkles!

We wandered, gazed, sampled expensive perfumes, ate a delicious pasta lunch with a glass of wine for 18€ and marvelled at the large numbers of folks who could actually afford to buy these expensive goods.

You'll notice from the photos Tony had to do a bit of fiddling with the camera to capture the scene with a tricky light situation but I just had to show them to you today.

Our local shopping centre/mall back home in Indooroopilly is undergoing a huge renovation.

I don't expect it will be anywhere near this when it' s finished!!

Au revoir .


  1. It's a fabulous shop isn't it and at Christmas when the front is all covered with lights it's even more amazing! Enjoy you stay and the rest of your holiday.

  2. Wow! Talk about shopping in style!

  3. One of my all-time favourite shops.

  4. Wow! I'd need the wine just to control myself ... as a sedative.

  5. Pleased you are having a "jolie" time in La France. Which perfume suited Tony best? I am guessing Chanel No. 5? The shopping "mall" looks amazing - great pictures.

  6. I love Galleries Lafayette.We were there last xmas.They do window displays at Xmas and all the schoolchildren come to see them.An incredible store.

  7. Enjoy your trip Helsie, it sounds as if you are having fun. I love little Scout she is the image of our BC whom we got as a puppy, we miss her so much after her being part of our family for nearly 13 years. I had a blog visitor 10 days ago, someone whom you have already met.

  8. Wow. That place is incredible. I love the intimate little perfume-smelling booth with the flower on the table.
