Friday, May 10, 2013


I can' t leave Paris without a few night photos.
Of course you have to wait a long while before it is night time as we know it - you know when it actually gets DARK !!!

So these photos I'm bringing you today are all taken on our way home from dinner walking through the streets of our neighbourhood in the Marais district of Paris.

The Marais district has lots of cafes and restaurants as well as food shops of all types and lots of boutiques, jewellery shops and home wares too. An ideal place to stay with Paris on your doorstep. It's old, a little dingy and decrepit but it's also vibrant and fun. The people are polite and friendly and you soon form a friendly relationship with the owner of the local fruit shop and market and broken English/ French communication gets lots of laughs.

We have sampled several cafes for tea/dinner and they've all been great. I don't think anywhere does bad food over here just some are better than others.
However we always return to our absolute favourite, and my favourite in the whole world, Equinox, where the waiters are friendly and fun and we have lots of laughs over communication.

Our final dinner is always at Equinox where they farewell us in style. This time they insisted we try an aperitif (the special of the night ) as well as our three course meal with a nice red, then topped it off with a liqueur on the house to aid our digestion !!!

Believe me our digestion needed all the help it could get !



  1. What a fab time you both look to be having. Glad to see you had a nice walk home after that dinner. Wowza, it just went on and on. But I bet you enjoyed every bite and morsel. Where are you off to next, still trying to catch up with you young kids. By the way, all is well here and we are on the way to healthy mends.

  2. Hey cherie, who is that Gigolo Francais leaning provocatively against the wall in the sixth photo? He looks vaguely familiar. By the way the food pictures look quite pornographic! Now I feel hungry! J'ai faim!

  3. Great pics, your camera did well with the limited light outside.
    The food looks amazing (I am reaching for the Renees as we speak LOL).
    Glad you are having such a great time!
