Wednesday, April 24, 2013


What a whirlwind of a week we've had here.

 We've had a visit from my brother and his partner passing through in their caravan.
When they arriveD their dear little dog "Honey" had something very wrong with his eye.
It was bright red and really bulging - you can see it in the photo.

A trip to our vet and the verdict was it had been injured, all sight was gone and poor little honey was in a lot of pain.
The only answer was to remove the eye.

What a sad and sorry little dog he was when they brought him home late in the afternoon.

I'm pleased to say he is bouncing around just about back to his old self now
and lapping up all the attention his pirate look is getting him.

They left .....
and  Sally arrived with an extra passenger.
Can you see her peeking from the back seat?? 

I'd like to introduce you to Scout - Sally's new puppy - a little ball of fluff and mischief !

We spent a lot of time playing with her.
What a little dynamo!

But like most babies she runs out of steam and crashes

and then she's zonked out for a couple of hours and all is peaceful.

Here she's asleep on her quilt - specially made by her grandma to match her Mum's !!

Isn't she the cutest thing???

Next came Nana's ( Tony's mother )
92nd  birthday afternoon tea.
It was lovely to get all the family together.
( except for Brett &Sarah - we miss them on these family occasions )

She had a lovely time.

When they all left on Sunday afternoon I told Tony I was locking the doors so no-one else could visit !!

Only three days to go and the suitcases were still on top of the cupboard !!

Monday was spent running around getting last minute things including money !

Tuesday was packing day.
It took me all day till about 3:00pm with a stop for lunch.

I always divide our clothes evenly between cases to guard against luggage going missing.

How dreadful would it be if the suitcase containing all my clothes went missing and Tony's  all arrived safely??

So I carefully mix them up with half of each in each suitcase !!

On arrival at our destination,I unpack into our first accommodation and when I pack up in a week's time, I rearrange everything into his and hers from then on.  ( or hers and his & hers !!)

That done I began to attend to the potplants in the garden room and this is when everything came unstuck.

I bent down to lift a potted palm and a sharp new shoot pierced my eye !!!

The rest of the afternoon was spent at the doctor's surgery, then the Emergency Room at our local private hospital, then a visit early this morning  ( Wednesday ) to an Eye Specialist.

Luckily it is not serious and I've been given the all clear to fly out tomorrow
 for Paris !
Phew !
Don't know whether I'll be able to blog while I'm away as we only have Tony's ipad with us
but I'll be back at the end of May with lots of stories and photos so until then.....
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  1. Phew! you must be ready for your holiday! I hope your eye is better and you'll have a wonderful time. I look forward to hearing all about it on your return xx

  2. Phew you'll be glad of a nice long sit down on the plane won't you? Have a wonderful time and hope your eye soon clears up.

  3. And now you need a rest!

    Ooooh, Paris, one of my most favourite places on the planet! Have a wonderful time. I'm looking forward to seeing your holiday snaps!

    Kathy xxx

  4. Tony's Mum looks AMAZING for 92. I would have picked her for being almost 20 years younger.

    Your poor eye ! Get an eye patch and a parrot and start speaking pirate until it heals. It'll keep your mind off it and amuse everyone else.

    Enjoy your holiday - Im green with envy here !

  5. I like Shay's idea!
    Lucky you didn't do more damage, hope it heals quickly.
    Have a fabulous trip, can't wait to hear all about it when you get back.

  6. Wow! Tony's mum looks a smasher! Any chance of a secret date with her? Meanwhile keep a close eye (ha! ha!) on Tony whilst in the French capital as it is known as GAY Paree and everybody knows what Australian men are like under their rough swagman exteriors. You wouldn't want to lose him to a Gitanes smoking onion seller called Pierre! Have a wonderful time cherie! Bon voyage!

  7. You gave me a fright, I thought you might say you ended up with the same treatment as the pirate dog. Glad it turned out okay, and you guys have a great vacation!

  8. I was with Jan there! It takes only a fraction of a second to hurt yourself... Don't do it again between now and the end of May!

    PS Have a SUPER time, we wait in anticipation for the photos and the stories.

  9. Oh Helsie what a few days those were! And I know I say I'm not a doggy person but that puppy is SO CUTE! And I really felt for the little doggie with the one eye. Pulls at your heart strings.
