Saturday, April 27, 2013


Hello from Paris!
I am attempting this post from Tony's iPad so everything is experimental this time round.

Our hopes for cool weather have been granted and Paris is turning on some very cool weather for us!
Our coats and scarves that never get an outing in sunny Queensland are doing a fine job and keeping us warm here in lovely Paris. A perfect start.
We have settled into our apartment in the wonderful Marais district, bought necessities from the local Marche and plunged into enjoying Paris . It feels very comfortable the second time around.

Yesterday we walked and walked and walked. We started the day with an early morning visit to rue Montorguiel - a pedestrianised market street where we watched Parisians do their weekly shopping and breakfasted on a croissant and a hot chocolate in a warm cafe. No need for anything with the croissant as you would if you had one at home. It was crisp and buttery and you pull off chunks and just eat it ....... Absolutely Devine!!!! Bought some lovely strawberries and baguettes, jambon, fromage and tomatoes for lunch back at the apartment.

Then we walked down rue St Honore towards the Louvre and looked at the shops. End of Winter sales everywhere and lovely stuff to buy but mainly just looking for us. We strolled through the fore court at the Louvre where the crowds were the usual numbers.  We are a little taken back at the huge and quite intimidating police presence around the streets of Paris and large numbers of soldiers patrolling carrying their guns seemingly on full alert.

Our objective in the afternoon was the Musee de L'Orangerie where huge waterlilly paintings by Monet are displayed. If you saw the movie Midnight in Paris you may remember them from it. It was disappointing that photos were not allowed as just a stone's throw away visitors are clicking away madly in the Louvre and these paintings are truly wonderful. I would have liked to have photos to show you.

Unfortunately I have not worked out how to add photos here as yet but I'll work on it!!!

Cheers... From Paris


  1. That's the oddest thing, I was just thinking about you and up popped your post! Glad you arrived safely and are having a great time. Looking forward to the photos.

  2. I too was wondering whether you were yet in Paris! Glad you seem to be having a lovely time. Not surprised at the police presence though just now we have noticed that there are tannoy messages about being careful on trains etc lately too. Enjoy your slice of la vie Parisienne you will no doubt walk off all those calories!!

  3. How lovely. It brought our last holiday in Paris right back, we too stayed in the Marais. So convenient for the river too. Take a trip on the BateauBus, you can hop on and off as you like.

  4. Sounds good. I've never been to Paris so I'll look forward to seeing your photos :)

  5. Sounds amazing...sigh. I wish I was there soaking up croissants!

  6. Wonderful! Trés merveilleux!

  7. I wish I was there too. Another friend of mine is in France too, and I'm getting very jealous.
