Saturday, April 13, 2013


Good friends have recently made a " tree change".

They've sold their house in the city - in our street- and moved from the suburbs of the city  to the country.

This is the country they have chosen.

The area they have chosen is called the Glasshouse Mountains.
Those strange looking mountains in the photo are the Glasshouse Mountains.
Thousands of years ago they were volcanos.
Now all that is left after the outside has been eroded away is the volcano's plug in the centre of the volcano.

They were named by Captain Cook as he sailed past in 1770.
(He thought they looked like glasshouses -go figure !!)

The land surrounding these remnants of volcanos has rich dark soil and is  great for agriculture.

Mangos, pineapples, macadamia nuts, avocados, lychees, kiwi fruit and strawberries are just a few of the crops that thrive in the area.

Today we left home at 7:30 and headed north to join them for breakfast at a local cafe ........

sitting on this pleasant verandah

with  this delightful view.

These are mango trees

and calmly lazing in the shade beneath these trees

were a few locals ! 
 It was quiet.
The sky was blue and the sun not too hot.

A delightful spot.....


and look what's growing in their garden!

I'm sure they'll be happy there.

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  1. Looks beautiful - but as I know the grass on the other side of the fence isn't always greener and you have the best of both worlds where you are don't you?

  2. I love it! what a great place to live.

  3. It looks like a beautiful place. I love those mountain shapes!

  4. Oh wow! What a beautiful place to be! Ros

  5. How fun to have a little breakfast with some roos. To you it must seem normal, to us it would blow our minds to look our and see a roo grazing in the grass. Looks like some nice weather there.

  6. How very pretty and kangaroos in the back yard. Do y'all have flies/bugs?

  7. It looks very pretty. I love looking at the Glasshouse Mountains as I drive up and down the highway between the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane.
    After13 years of living on acreage, I've just done the reverse and don't miss it at all!!!!

  8. Thea: Oh yes, we sure do have bugs and flies but not enough to make being in the outdoors unpleasant.

  9. So gorgeous. We just got another five inches of snow this morning and I am so ready to run away from home to find something green aside from the trees.

  10. Hello Marjorie, so nice of you to drop by.

  11. That is really beautiful. The landscape reminds me of our time in Hungary near Lake Balaton. The landscape there was all extinct volcanoes. All that talk of exotic fruit trees has left me drooling!

  12. It's lovely, and sunny for a change !

  13. I think I'd like to garden in that location, think of the possibilities!

  14. To have a place in Aussie that green, and not too hot, AND be able to grow my favourite fruit! Heaven! Just southish and inland from Maroochydore?

  15. Yes, that's right Katherine so you can just zip to the beach for a surf in the hot weather too.
