Monday, January 7, 2013


As you know yesterday was our Wedding Anniversay.
Many of my teaching friends of a similar age also have anniversaries in January.
It's our long Summer holiday so time for honeymoons and weddings in the days when you fitted your life around the school year.

But I'm never getting married again in January!!!
 (or any other time for that matter!!!)

* We've just had Christmas and New Year !

*It's HOT !!!

* Everyone is in a semi-coma from the heat and too much food.

* Half the restaurants are closed while their owners are on holiday at the beach with everybody else .

* And when it's time for your Anniversary you are in food and celebration overload.

So, how did we celebrate our Anniversary?

A last minute, spur-of-the-moment picnic dinner at that pretty spot overlooking the city that I showed you yesterday!

I packed a BBQ chicken, whipped up a cool, non-fattening salad.
Tony grabbed a chilled bottle of bubbly from the fridge and...

just on sunset we set off.

Good friends Ro and Terry joined us.

There's a lovely area above the cliffs where picnic tables and electric BBQs are dotted under shady trees and we were lucky to find one in a prime position.

We set out our picnic

The evening was cool and the view delightful....

and it improved by the minute as darkness fell...

and the city twinkled below us.

Fresh air ,
a cool breeze,
chilled champagne,
light Summery salad,
delicious cherries
mixed with friendship and laughter...

what a nice way to spend our Anniversary !

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  1. I drove by there yesterday thinking it would be fab spot for a evening meal! Looks and sounds great !

  2. How absolutely delightful! Happy Anniversary to the two of you!

  3. What a wonderful way to spend your Anniversary. It looks perfect.
    Anne xx

  4. I did smile, coz I'm never getting married again in Scotland in December! I have never been so cold in all my life and the brakes froze on the train taking us to Gretna Green!
    Happy Anniversary to you both xx

  5. Looks like the perfect way to celebrate to me !

  6. I agree, It doesn't get better that that!!!

  7. Not far from me. It's a great view isn't it and the perfect place for an evening picnic.

  8. That sounds the best way of all. I think spontaneous picnics are the occasions that stay in your mind better than conventional restaurant meals.
