Wednesday, January 9, 2013


"The 150 merino ewes lie in a twisted clump, their fleece charred black by fire that swept through a paddock at Talmo, outside Yass.
The animals are almost entirely camouflaged by ash, though pink flesh protrudes from the undercarriage of one.
In death, many have rested their heads on each other.
The odd survivors are dragging broken legs, their eyes and ears burnt and mouths foaming.
By the day's end, they'll be shot and a front-end loader will be used to bury them.
A bullet will spare them slow death from starvation, dehydration, infection and organ failure.

The NSW fires have claimed 10,000 sheep across the state, according to early estimates.
One farmer has lost 700 sheep from his flock of 3000 and estimates the cost at $100,000.
Then there's the kilometres of fencing that will need to be replaced at his 1500-acre property in the NSW southern tablelands.
Ninety per cent of the property is fire affected, and it could be more than six months before grass regenerates."

You won't see many photos like these.
Too gruesome for public consumption I expect.
I was prompted to look for them today after seeing footage taken of the 150 sheep mentioned in the report above.

Who'd be a farmer in Australia?
If it's not bushfires, it's terrible floods.

They are such a strong resilient breed, these farmers. They have my utmost respect.

Of course the stock losses aren't the only animals to suffer.

The native animals are suffering too.

.... and if you'd like to read an amazing story of this family's survival

click here :

Not too cheerful today !
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  1. I can't cope looking at the photos you've posted, it just breaks my heart. I can't cope with the thought of all that suffering.
    Coming from a farming family my thoughts are with those farmers and other who have lost property and livestock.

  2. Thanks for posting those pictures of dead animals, both farm stock and wildlife; animals never seem to get mentioned as being victims of these extreme weather conditions, after all, they're just animals. The cost to farmers, and others, will be enormous when the fires are finally put out. A friend of mine, currently in Melbourne, wishes she could exchange a week of sunshine for a week of rain, it's so hot there. Hope you are keeping OK in Brisbane now things are beginning to go pear-shaped near you.

  3. Oh, how very sad, so much loss!! I am at a loss for words!! (((hugs)))

  4. I hadn't heard about the fires until yesterday I noticed someone commented in one of their bogs. How awful those poor animals and farmers. I'm at a loss for words.

  5. They are such a strong resilient breed, these farmers. They have my utmost respect... Yes, I agree. Farmers are made of stern stuff.. facing extremes and hard work is the order of the day. Much respect from me.

  6. Harrowing photos, Helsie. We have watched the telly and been horrified by the devastation. You would almost think it had been snowing, seeing the covering of ash in your photos.
    At least the story of the sheltering family was heartwarming.

  7. Just across the ditch, we here in New Zealand had stories of Aussie bush fires as we were growing up - school journals etc. The reality of your figures and images are still hard to take. I'll read the survivor family story now to cheer me up.

  8. Tragic. What more is there to say? I know there were sometimes natural bushfires in Australia before the European invasion but never as many as seem to have happened in recent Aussie summers. Awful pictures but good to see the reality.

  9. I hate to see anyone or any creature suffer, but here in the U.S. we need to be reminded that ours are not the only disasters on this planet. Thank you.

  10. Where have I been. I don't remember seeing this on the news here in the US. My heart is broken for all the animals and farmers. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Australia.

  11. Naturaal disasters have tragic consequences, everyone knows that but it is only when you see photos like these that you realise what it really means. Those poor bloody animals, the poor humans that lost their lives, the poor buggers left staring at the ruins of sometimes generations of hard slog.

    Uncomfortable to look at but thankyou for sharing them nevertheless.
