Monday, January 7, 2013


Sunday morning hinted at a respite from the heat we have been experiencing so we set off early to visit a market which is held beside what used to be Boggo Road Jail.
This disused jail has been preserved as a part of Brisbane's history

and the markets are set up in the surrounding precinct.

Probably because most families are off at the beach enjoying their Summer holidays there were very few people at the market and not too many stall holders either.

Those that had made the effort were not exactly doing a roaring trade

but their displays were eyecatching

and colourful.

I bought a couple of these pretty scarves for my holiday

and this lady soon had some customers

Later we went to this pretty spot overlooking the city for a coffee.

  The city looked lovely in the strange light that threatening clouds produce

A  favourite spot to sit and take in the pretty view of our lovely city.

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  1. Always such a great treat to see a small corner of your part of the world. I, so, enjoy keeping up with you and Tony either here or on FB. You both still bring a big smile to my face. Well, my cold is over and it's Monday am, so I'm off to start my week with a little jazzercising. Missing our sunny summer days here in Chicago. We desperately need some snow as the drought this summer did a lot of damage. Toodles, Kate

  2. I love crafty markets and always manage to bring at least a few things home. Love those scarves!

  3. It looks like you had a really lovely day out. The city views are gorgeous.
    Anne xx
