Monday, April 2, 2012


At the moment I'm finding it hard to find something interesting to post about.
Life is just rolling along.
So I thought I would show you what's happening outside in the Autumn garden.

I'll start with the good things.

These bushes/ small trees ( Tibouchina ) are making a lovely show everywhere.

This one is a slightly different variety.

There is a subtle difference in the colour and size of the flower.

The lovely double Mandevilla  is making a final show before it dies back a bit in the Winter

and the passionfruit from next door has a great crop coming that we are able to share!

Unfortunately there is a bad side too.

The wet, hot, humid weather has made its growth very vigourous and it has jumped from the fence where it belongs ....

to the Leopard Tree

... where it has scrambled all over the canopy of the tree smothering it and blocking out the sun.

Here's hoping these will be ripe enough to harvest before we pull the vine off the tree.

You could be forgiven for thinking this was a field where hay making was underway
but it is just the second level of our backyard.
The lawn had bolted in the rain and this is the result when Tony tackled it with the mower.
 It was too long for the catcher to cope.
Never mind it will pick it up next time !

Everything is so overgrown........

... but not as bad as next door's backyard !!!

And finally the Ixora bushes at the front that were so lovely for Dad's birthday

have once again fallen victim to the dreaded pest that eats the flower buds as they form.

Guess it is easy to see what we'll be doing over Easter !!!



  1. You must be getting the rain we so desperately need - the world is topsy turvy these days isn't it?! Don't overdo the gardening this weekend will you?

  2. I used to live in a place called Mandeville,where I always wanted a Mandevilla to grow in my garden!

    How is Dad now by the way?

  3. Those flowering shrubs are just gorgeous, the colour beautiful. Too bad about the pest eating flower buds. So annoying.
    Anne xx

  4. I'm feeling the same way, but your garden and flower shots are lovely. I love this time of year, even though it is still quite warm. Nice cool evenings and mornings and lots of flowers still flowering. My frangipani are now dropping their leaves. The last 2 yrs they started dropping their leaves in January!

  5. Wow, our grass hasn't even woke up from a long winter. You are so green and flowers in bloom.

  6. Love your garden tour Helen. Even the bits you think are less than pretty beat my garden hands down on it's best day.

    @ Marg. My frangipani is still alive and gaining leaves. Am I doing something wrong here !

  7. Beautiful pictures! I hope my neighbor doesn't blog and show my backyard ...

  8. QUOTE "... but not as bad as next door's backyard !!!" The THREE exclamation marks may suggest they are not exactly the best of neighbours. Perhaps you should organise a demo outide their door with placards and chanting to move them on.
