Thursday, April 5, 2012


Well it's 11:00am on Good Friday.
It's about 27 degrees C and if you are out in the sun it's HOT !

This is what we've been doing today.

Our front garden had become very overgrown ( so has the back garden for that matter !!!)
and today's task was to get it back into order.

When Tony cuts things back he really cuts them back !!

Just look at the state of the Murraya hedge
and the Grevilleas and flowering gums needed a "trim " too.

Dash was supervising and keeping a look out for any dogs that might think they can walk past !!

The dwarf agapanthas still had the old seed pods and look ragged and untidy with long bits of grass entwined amongst them . UGH!

We started at about 5:00pm yesterday afternoon in the cool.
The first thing was to trim back the hedge that frames the garden.

Looking better already.
This is the finished product.

A bit bare but tidy and ready for some sugarcane mulch.

The side hedge is now tamed and trim

but the poor old grevilleas look awful without their leaves and flowers.

Now the mess at the front door has disappeared too.

Tony's taken the cuttings to the dump and I'm off to the shower.
No more gardening today...
but the back yard is an even bigger job.

Hope we'll have a day off tomorrow !

Happy Easter to all my Blogland pals.



  1. Sounds like hard work for two old codgers. Couldn't you have just hired in a couple of slaves from the sugar plantation? Perhaps consider paving over the whole garden so that it will be maintenance free.

  2. Beautiful finished project. Hope you and Tony aren't sore, that was a lot of work.

  3. I bet you are stiff today but feeling smug with your results.Hope it goes well in the back garden.We have been out in the garden but it was only 8 degrees and we had snow two days ago!!Blistering heat two weeks ago.The weather is crazy!!

  4. Happy Easter to you. Your front garden looks great after the tidy up. It usually takes a couple of weeks for things to look normal again, but those plants will have loved their haircut.
    Good luck with the back yard.
    Anne xx

  5. Wow. That's a real roll-yer-sleeves-up job done! I bet you were hot!

    It's going to look great when it recovers a bit.
