Monday, March 26, 2012


The little town of Howard is about 30 minutes inland from Hervey Bay.
I've never been there before but my SIL wanted to visit the fabric shop and the Oldies were having an afternoon rest  so she picked me up and off we went.

The main street (I think ) has only a couple of old buildings. This one is the CWA Hall.

and this one now sadly appears to be empty.

Along the street a little way is the shop we're heading for.

It is one of those small town shops where you can get ANYTHING !
There is a huge amount of stock out on the footpath.
Perhaps a hint of what is to come ?????

Inside is like Aladdin's cave !

Stock is everywhere.
Hanging from the ceiling, lining the walls

with only narrow passageways.

Around a corner ( and over a few piles of stuff !!!) is the corner devoted to quilting fabrics.

 Four people in there was quite a squash and we soon became very good friends !
In the way of shopping in tiny country towns we chatted away while trawling through the materials discussing what we were looking for, where we came from and holding up suggestions for eachother !

Back in the main shop.

 Do you need a handbag?
make up?
greeting cards?

men's hats ?
shirts ?




A truly one stop shop for this little town !!

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  1. Wow what a shop - only need one shop if it stocks all that!!

  2. ooh I could spend all day in there!

  3. I love shops that have a bit of everything you need. Sadly they seem to be dying out in country towns to be replaced in larger towns by 2 dollar shops that arent nearly as exciting to shop in!

  4. That shop is amazing. I think carrying all the variety of different stock would be the trick in a small town. You've got something for everyone. Go in there to buttons, you might just come out with a new winter hat.
    Anne xx

  5. what an amazing shop .. looks wonderful. I hope you found what you were looking for.

  6. one of my favorite words is "juxtaposition" and this shop has some wonderful combinations.

    did you buy a hat full of beads and greeting cards? a handbag to hold the candles? a pair of shoes with matching yarn and sunglasses? and whatever is in the "Holeproof" box ...

    thanks for sharing your fun visit!

  7. Aladdin's cave - that got my attention. Sometimes, shops like that are so overwhelming. Too many things to look at.

  8. Oh, this is definitely the kind of place I enjoy finding when the weather is warm and there is a bench on the outside where LT can sit and read his Kindle while I snoop...'! Looks like a great place!

  9. I've read the post about your Dad and am very glad to hear he is so much better.

    That shop looks amazingly crammed. How fascinating. I bet there's loads of craft ideas in there.

  10. Homogeneous supermarkets have killed so many shops like this. What a delightful discovery for you.
    "Stock is everywhere" - you mean like cattle and sheep?

  11. Lol and i bet if you asked for something in particular then they would be able to lay their hands on it straight away!
    That is some amount of stock in there! Lol

  12. Hello there Helen,
    Sorry to hear that your dad has been so poorly, but glad to hear that he is on the mend. That shop looks amazing! I love browsing in places such as this. Needs to be without my husband though, who just doesn't get 'browsing' at all. Hope you have a good week. Ros

  13. Ah, those old towns with everything shops. Wonderful! There was one in Tolaga Bay, around the East Cape years ago. I wonder if it's still there. That was the last one I was in.
