Monday, February 27, 2012


I really enjoy my take on these Scavenger Hunts.
My method is to search through all of my photos looking for photos to fit the requirements.

That's fun on two levels:

1. revisiting old photos                                                        
2. finding ways to fit what I have, into the categories needed

I only had to take one photo to complete the set this time !
Here they are :

1.  music

Delivered with gusto not far from Notre Dame in Paris.

2. food
Once again through a shop window in Paris !

3. love

My all time favourite photo taken near Muker, Yorkshire Dales.
Love doesn't have any age limits !!

4. in the sky

Taken recently over my back fence around 6:00am

5. leap year

Boring I know but all I could come up with !!

6. black and white

A fine example of the architecture in a village on the Black and White Trail not far from Ludlow in England.

7.  train

An old steam train in Minehead Somerset, England

8.  crowd

Crowding around the Mona Lisa in the Louvre, Paris

9. empty

Early morning on Easter Sunday along the Champs Elysees in Paris.
All the street cafes were empty!

10. heritage

The man largely responsible for our close ties with Britain - Captain James Cook.
He sailed along the east coast of Australia in 1770 and recommended it as a fine place for a convict settlement.
An icon in the history of Australia.
This statue is at one end of Pall Mall in London.

11. five

Only 5 ingredients in this super cake !!
Here's the recipe.
5 Cup Cake.
This is a gem when you hear that visitors are on the way and the cake tins are empty.

There are only 5 ingredients:
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of coconut
1 cup of self-raising flour
1 cup of mixed fruit - your favourite combination of sultanas, apricots, dates etc
1 cup of milk

That's it!!
Mix them all together and cook at 180C (350F) for about 45 minutes. Test with a skewer to make sure it is cooked

12. cupid

This one resides on the autotray in my lounge room.

Well that's it for another month. Thanks to Kathy for organising it.

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  1. Ermmmm... Isn't the B&W village trail in Herefordshire? ( Sorry, what a pedant!) And that building, that's the New Inn at Pembridge, Herefordshire, isn't it?
    One of my favouite areas that is!
    I loved the cake shop window. It reminded me of holidays in France.

  2. I'm sure you're right Foodie. I can never tell where the Shire boundries are so half the time I'm in a different Shire to where I think I am !!
    Yep, it is The New Inn.

  3. Lovely picture of the steam train Helen. One day I must pay a visit to Somerset Railway.
    Now here is an incredible display of Snowdrops (by Jane)

    I though there were thousands in Missenden, but there are millions in the woods where Jane is.

  4. I am so jealous of all those pics in Paris - perhaps, some day I may be able to visit there. Loved the train - very unusual. Good job.

  5. The food shot made me hungry . Now I want pastries for breakfast .

    Love the architecture...and one day I am going to get to Paris. I really really want to!

  6. re.picture 3 - Shirley and I object to Aussie tourists snapping us when we are out for a country walk!
    (seriously though - great picture Helen)
