Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Officially, today is the last day of Summer in Australia.
Tomorrow, the first of March, means we are heading towards the cooler weather of Autumn so we thought it was time we took you to the beach again.

We set off for the Gold Coast to pick up Sally who was on a RDO (Rostered Day Off - many workers in Oz get one of these days every month ) and head for the beach.
She took us to her favourite - Currumbin Alley - where Currumbin Creek empties into the sea.

We couldn't have asked for a better day - the sun was shining, the sky was blue with a few fluffy  clouds and a gentle breeze kept us cool while the temperature was about 31C.

Because it was midweek there were not many people around but a few young surfers were out catching waves as usual. 

Tony was on a mission to take photos of   "soft water"  - a new technique he is trying to master so the water crashing over the rocks was just the thing.

He set up his tripod while Sally and I pottered around on the rocks.

Me, taking photos .....

.. and Sally doing what all kids do when there are rocks at the beach - even grown up ones !!!!

I was intreagued by the beautiful patterns the elements had etched into the rocks

and the colours that had been exposed by erosion.

Photos taken, it was time for lunch.
Sally took us to her favourite cafe and lunch was a delight.

Mine was a concoction of smoky ham flavoured beans on sour dough bread - YUM !

Sally's  was  roasted pumpkin, fetta and rocket on sour dough toast - She said YUM too !

Tony said that was Yuppie food and opted for a (Yuppy-style)  burger !

A healthy one - no chips but still very tasty !

We finished up with a little sweet treat and coffee. Sally says it's the best coffee on the coast and I have to say it was very good.

Next we headed inland following Currumbin Creek for about 15 miles until we came to a well known cooling off spot - the Currumbin Creek Rock Pools.

Plenty of running water for Tony's photos.

Sally declared that the water was colder than the sea ....

and it was cool in the shade by the water.

A little further down there is a small cascade  - sort of a natural spa - where a few young people were having fun

then the creek widens out to a large, deep pool.

It's a very popular place on the weekends but today there were only a couple of people there enjoying the peace and quiet.

Behind us the lush hills of the valley crowded down to the creek ......

and here are two of those "soft water" photos Tony took today.

An interesting effect isn't it?

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  1. My son is in Sydney at the moment. I can't wait to see his photos, but in his email today he says its raining..........
    Julie xxxxxxxxxxx

  2. How lovely to see the day trip told in pictures. I'm now wishing we had escaped from Brisbane Airport when in transit to New Zealand. Yes, Tony's "soft water" pictures look great - but not quite as great as your yuppy lunch!

  3. Very nice pictures. I really like the trees, and the soft water, oh, and everything. Thanks for sharing your day.

  4. fab photos, I especially likes the soft water effect. what a marvellous idea to have a RDO. England should adopt this idea and maybe people wouldn't take a "sickie" when they have something they want to do.
    I can't wait til summer now!

  5. Thanks for sharing the day with us.The scenery is stunning.It has actually been a great day here in N wales.We actually sat out in the sun IN FEBRUARY!!!!

  6. I once had a boss who encouraged us to call in and say we were taking a "mental health day" whenever we needed to. Better than saying you're sick when you're really not. And this wonderful perk was never abused; we probably worked more than we might otherwise have done.

    Great photos, btw. I am officially jealous of Australian summers.

  7. Looks like it was a fantastic day, Helen.

  8. It's crazy to think you all are in summer there. What a fun time at the beach. Hey, I promise I won't be away too long. I need to stressly work on my health {BP} and new meds. Also, some focus on the seniors on both sides is needed and being the only female/daughter, you know who gets this task. I'll check in and post and comment when I can. Hugs, Kate

  9. Lovely day, wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing. Sally's lunch would be my favourite. It made my mouth water!

  10. Everything is so green! At the end of summer here everything is very dry and yellowed. Sorry your summer is ending, but thanks so much for minding the sun for us all up north. We'll take it back now.

  11. Aw, wow! I don't knw what I liked best - the food, the water or the green hills. Superb.

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