Sunday, March 4, 2012

It might appear that here at Chez Helsie all's been quiet on the sewing front
but let me assure you that has not been the case.
I've been working hard to finish Sally's quilt.
You remember, the one done in all the pretty pinks and aqua-greens.

Well I'm happy to say it is off being quilted
 ( at HUGE  expense I might say , small quilt-as-you-go quilts will be all I'm dong from now on !!!).
It is very big -  95 inches by 90 inches - to fit her Queen size bed.

I've made 10 metres of binding so I'm ready to go to finish this monster as soon as I can pick it up.

While I've been waiting I've also been busy making matching pillowcases.

Two of these are now finished and I'm waiting impatiently to finish this project and deliver it to Sally for her birthday.

Watch this space for a photo of THE QUILT in her pretty bedroom !



  1. Those are my favourite colours. LOVE IT!!!
    PS my bed is also Queen Size - a second one will be a cinch!

  2. I forgot all about this one. Glad to see it make an appearance. All is well here, just staying quiet before leaving for Florida in about 2 weeks. Needed a good break for some health and family stuff. But, really doing quite well at getting back on track.

  3. Yes it is expensive to have quilts quilted professionally. It is going to be amazing though and will be worth it. Imagine trying to quilt that yourself!!!!!
    That's one of the reasons I've stopped making bigger quilts this year.

  4. small quilts for me too!
    Can't wait to see yours tho, as your cushions look so pretty!

  5. Very pretty. She will love the set. I can't wait to see the quilt.

  6. Someone was telling me that in the UK at oen of the longarm quilters she had a 3 month waiting list! Not a lot around here so no wonder they can charge so much.

  7. The prints and colours are just lovely! Seeing them makes me want to have a go at quilting, but where is the time going to come from? Ros

  8. If the pillow case is any indication Im sure she is going to be thrilled. I adore those colours.

    I spring for professional quilting on quilts I love. It's exxy but worth every cent.
