Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Our lovely 14 year old Border Collie is no longer with us.


We loved him and we will miss him but his time had come.

RIP  Baker


  1. How sad for you all. It's a horrible feeling seeing a loved pet in every shadow but it is the price we pay for the years of happiness they have brought us isn't it? So sorry for your loss.

  2. Sorry for your sad loss.
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

  3. He lived to a good age and I'm sure had a good life which is some consolation, but I suppose the longer you've had a pet, the bigger the hole they leave when they are gone.

    A sad start to the new year

  4. So sad Helsie, they leave a huge gap in your life don't they.
    Big hug xx

  5. Oh I'm so sorry to hear this news Helen.
    Pets add so much to our lives don't they? And leave(as Kath says), a terrible gap when they are not around anymore.

  6. Sorry Helsie, you must feel very sad.
    Kate x

  7. I am so sorry, pets are such a big part of our lives, he will be missed!!

  8. So sorry. I know this is such a hard thing to do.

  9. I'm so sorry! I've been there with a cat and a dog, so iIknow how sad you must be feeling. Our animals are part of the family aren't they!

  10. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers as you start the NY, without Baker. I love Border Collies and hope to see a new one arriving soon at your hacienda. I know this is a difficult time for both you and Ton, he will be greatly missed.

  11. I said, "Oh, no", when I saw the picture. I am so sorry. Always remember that you loved him, you did your best by him and gave him peace at the end. There is just something about border collies that I, a confirmed cat lover, cannot resist. You and your family will be in my prayers.

  12. Oh Helen- how sad. My thoughts are with you because I know how hard this time must be.

  13. oh, very sad, i cant bear to think about how hard it will be when our lovely furry girl has to part from us, take care xx

  14. Ah. A border - our favourite dog breed. My daughter and I commiserate. Our 12 year-old dog passed away this time last year. It's hard. But does get easier.

  15. So sorry to hear your sad news Helen, it's so hard when you have to say goodbye to a part of your family.

  16. Hola amigo bloguero: tienes un blog maravilloso, lleno de buenos e interesantes datos. Quiero compartir contigo y tus lectores más información sobre la raza de perro Border Collie y un video de imagenes del Border Collie.

    Espero que te guste mi espacio y dejame un comentario si te apetece

    Saludos desde España
