Sunday, January 1, 2012


What a lovely way to start the year!
Every year, on New Year's Day, we meet up with a delightful group of old friends.
They're not only old friends, they're old neighbours.

We lived in adjoining properties for about 16 years - longer for some of us.

You can count yourself extremely lucky if you live amongst people like these.
A couple of us have moved away now but we still see eachother regularly and so we treasure this New Year tradition.

our hostess

and our host.
It would be very difficult to find any more hospitable people than these two.

Then there's the neighbours. They span several generations but the thing we all have in common is that we enjoy eachother's company.

And the food?

It starts with cereal and fruit

then bacon, eggs, sausages and toast

then a rest !!!

Then comes the sweet stuff like this

a delicious take on French toast - a sandwich with ricotta cheese and strawberry jam, soaked in eggy/cream then fried in butter ( and not at all fattening !!! - complete recipe later)

and raspberry and white chocolate muffins.

Then more tea and coffee,
more chatting and laughing

and finally, about 3'clock, a snack of mini BLTs and chocolates in case anyone is still hungry !!!!!

and so we spent another New Year's Day
in a tradition we all love.

We are truly blessed to have friends like these
and the opportunity to begin every year on such a lovely note.

Happy New Year to you all.

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  1. Wow! What a layout of food! I'm stuffed just looking at it. What a wonderful way to spend New Year's Day! Love the pictures!

  2. So that New Year's resolution was broken before the first day was out! Friendship though is worth more than diamonds and it looks as if you all had a great time together. Thanks for your good wishes over at my blog.

  3. That is a lovely New Year tradition
    The food looks lovely too, I can't wait to see the French Toast recipe.
    Julie xxxxxx

  4. Just look at those summertime smile outside all in short sleeves. Here we stay jammied up all day and by the fire for tradition. Light skiff of snow this morning and bone chilln' chilly. Can't wait to see what you will be up to in the new year. Hugs, Kate

  5. I think that's a lovely tradition! Looks yummy too!

  6. what a lovely tradition! A fine way to see in the new year :)

  7. How lovely! And you're all eating outside in T-shirts!!! We drove into North Wales today .... it was freezing! Longing for blue skies!!!

  8. A perfect way to celebrate. Happy New Year Helsie, to you and all your family, here's hoping 2012 brings you only good things.
    Kate x
