Tuesday, January 3, 2012


It's times like these,
when you lose a pet or a person you love,
that make you realise how blessed you are to have friends around you.

We are so grateful for your kind thoughts.

Today we are feeling good,
 confident we did the best thing for Baker though we miss him very much.

Dash is an only dog now.
I'm sure she'll make the most of that !!

Cheer (ful ) again.


  1. It's always such a hard decision to make - I know! Dash will probably enjoy being the sole centre of attention once he/she gets used to not having Baker around. Time will help you too to get used to life without Baker and you will remember him with love and not the deep sadness you are probably now feeling.

  2. Thinking of you.
    Take care,
    Anne xx

  3. I have that to face with Ellie being 14 now. I am trying to prepare for it (not too soon I hope) but I can imagine how you must be feeling right now.
    HUGS xx

  4. Thinking of you.
    It's hard but, I'm sure Dash will soon love being the centre of attention.

  5. It's a hard decision to make. We had to do the same several years ago with our Schnapps. It does get easier with time and we have our memories.

  6. Even when it's the right decision-it's an incredibly difficult one.

    Poor Dash will probably miss Baker for a while too.
