Sunday, November 6, 2011


Way back here I told you about a quilty Christmas project that I had started.

As you know, nothing happens very quickly around here.
There's lots of faffing around,
Particularly if the project is a little difficult.

After I got the main part together then came the border

and putting together the "sandwich".

I used about 100 safety pins to hold it all together and then I started quilting "in the ditch"

with very limited success !

After a lot of unpicking I finally came to the conclusion that if I wasn't going to destroy all that hard work I should stop at quilting the vertical lines.

I decided it needed more to give it some depth, so I set about to try hand quilting the rest.

I was truely sick of the whole thing by then so I plunged right in.

No hoop as I see I should have done .....
( like Kath at Hillside Cottage )

No ruled lines.

Just get it done !!

So here's the final effort.

Ta Dah !

I'm rather pleased with it.

Quite a learning project.

A character building exercise !!

I'm sending it off to Mum.
She'll love it
 ( 'cos she loves me !!!)



  1. It's turned out beautifully, well done.

  2. Helsie it's lovely, you did such a great job.
    You don't HAVE to use a hoop, you do whatever you feel comfortable with :-D

    Have your tried basting spray? no need for pins, you might prefer that.

    I love that you used red for the binding, it's so Christmassy!

  3. It's such a pretty runner, well done. I find that a hoop leaves marks in the fabric so never use one.

  4. Wow! What work! You should be proud.
    You couldn't make me one, could you?

    I can't look at your post about the huge spider. I just saw the thumbnail in my dashboard and that was enough. I have never seen on so big. That is massive. What was your weapon of disposal? If left, could it have bitten or even poisoned you? No pictures please if you reply!

  5. Beautiful runner. You did a great job!

  6. Thanks Marg and Kate.
    Kath I think you probably get a better result on the back of your work when you use a hoop though that has its problems according to Elizabeth. Mine is not too good from the back.
    Foody: That could be the last time I ever attempt patchwork with all those triangles though I have a great feeling of satisfaction I must say, so sorry you miss out!
    Tony killed the spider with a rolled up magazine. There was a lot of thumping and crashing around in a small space as they can move very quickly. Huntsmen can jump and apparently do bite though are not poisonous. No matter , if one bit me I'd die of fright!!!

  7. Your runner is beautiful.You should be proud of your accomplishment and I'm sure your Mom will love it.

  8. The runner is beautiful. Your lucky mum, I would love a gift made with love and pretty to boot!

  9. Once it is all finished and lovely, who remembers the trouble it caused. Mum will love it...

  10. What a lovely runner. I wouldn't have the patience! I can't stand sewing ... but I do appreciate other people's work!

  11. Looks terrific Helen. You deserve a medal for perseverance. I'm sure your Mum will adore it. What's the next project?

  12. Fabulous. You are really making me want to get that serger out of the box. Yes, it's still sitting there two days later calling my name. But, the good news is I think I know now where to go for a class to get started. Hope to head over there tomorrow. We shall see... Great job.

  13. Absolutely beautiful job. Can you simplify it, cause I would love one :-)

  14. You must be so proud you have finished the gorgeous runner despite the frustrations you had. What are you going to make next? Have to keep you on your toes you know! :)
    Anne xx

  15. Helen, that is looking fabulous. Quilting by hand or machine isn't as straightforward as it looks and it takes a lot of practice to find the method that works best for you. You have done so well and I'm sure that your mum is going to be thrilled. x

  16. I'm still around Helen!
    Just restin'.
    I'm the "visitor from Marlow" on your 'Live Traffic Feed'.

  17. Many thanks everybody. A quilt for my daughter will be my next project. I'll bore you with details later.
    Lovely to hear from you again , Bernard.

  18. Beautiful quilted runner Helsie! I love the Christmasy colors. I just visited my cousin in Florida who is a quilter. I couldn't believe all the fantastic quilts she was working on. She has a huge quilting machine and I got to "play" with it. I told her I might try to do a know...start with something small.
