Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A DAY'S EATING - Wednesday's menu in our houshold

I'm going to add to this throughout the day.
Don't know what will be for lunch or dinner yet - the time is 9:18am.
 I need to get on with my day's activities ( ironing I'm afraid !)

Today's breakfast - Bowen Mango from the Northern Territory and end of season strawberries.

(Tony prefers cereal)
Lunch : A bit of substance after a light breakfast - ham, tomato and low fat cheese toasted sandwich
A couple of dates for a sweet treat ( to keep me away from more fattening stuff )

(Tony at work )

and a cup of coffee in my souvenir mug from Canada

Happy Hour: The time of day when I get the "gnaws" and could eat anything in sight ! - around 4:30pm

and yes, it's only a diet soft drink !!!!

Dinner: It's been hot today so it's a BBQ

Honey Soy chicken skewers for me
the rest for Tony ! ( Well he's a big fellow !)

Healthy and yummy salad

and white sweet potato.
Dessert: a cuppa in my Scotland cup ( 'cos it's a BIG cup ) - love Twinings Lemon Tea after dinner

and a little sweet treat.

Yes, dates again!

Now the big test is to make sure there is no more nibbling before bed!



  1. Looks good to me. When do we get some chocolate. All excited first lesson tomorrow.

  2. I did so well until 5 pm... yoghurt for breakfast , tuna salad for lunch ...resisted chocolate all day. Went to Maccas for dinner on the way home.

  3. Oh my gosh...everything looks so good! I wish I was eating at your house today...so healthy.

  4. MMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I am hungry now - and it's bedtime! lol! Always nice to meet fellow retired primary school teachers! Dx
