Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Finally finished.
All the ends sewn in -  and there were thousands of them !

Looks good from a distance.
A few issues with the joining up.
I must try the join as you go method and see if that is better next time but for now it's far too hot to even think of it.

What's next ????



  1. This is lovely, the mix of colours and your patterns.
    Anne xx

  2. And granny is lovely. Its ages since I made one of these, I have loads of squares dotted about the house tucked away.

  3. Beautiful! Love the colors you used.

  4. Pretty! And a finish is always exciting (none of my stiff is ever perfect and I still love it anyway !)

  5. Fabulous. It's hard to believe that I've know you since your first stitch. Great job. You will be so happy that you took the time to sew in those ends. It really does finish it off much better and will stay when washed. That is if it's actually used and washed. Some I do and some just sit there for me to look at. Did you sew them in as you went or all at the end. I find that if I do as I go it's much less daunting at the end. I adore the border too, which now my friend you must share. Don't they finish them off so nicely.

    Made it to my overlock lesson. I think I may be off and running this afternoon, after cleaning up around here a little. Going to start with jammie lounge pants, before going for a sweater. Don't worry, I haven't given up the hook yet.

  6. It looks lovely Helen. I highly recommend join as you go, much easier!
