Friday, November 11, 2011

11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month 2011

This morning I was at a nearby, busy shopping mall.

On the dot of eleven over the loud speaker system the sound of the "Last Post" rang out.

Immediately all movement ceased and there was complete silence.

The sound of the bugle echoed through the centre and was followed by a sober rendition of the "Lest We Forget " poem.

It was fantastic to see they way EVERYONE respectfully observed this tradition.

We will remember them.


  1. It was lovely here too Helsie, very moving. Like you, I was happy that so many people observed the 2 minute silence.

  2. I was in my car so I stopped and remembered.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Obviously, Australia's contribution in both world wars was immense with over 100,000 in total making the ultimate sacrifice. It is good to know that the silence in the shopping mall was well-respected.

  5. Perfect place to be around others to remember that moment.

  6. I agree Helsie. We respected the silence at school too. All the children have a good understanding of it all these days, as so much more is broadcast on the TV and over the internet. Have a good wek. Ros
