Sunday, October 30, 2011


OK, I wasn't going to do this month's Scavenger Hunt.
Not inspired. Especially as there was so much there that was difficult for an Aussie who isn't into Halloween.

Then this morning I saw some of the ones already up and was inspired to give it a go.
As usual I trawled through my photos to see what I already had to fit the bill. That's the fun and challenge for me.
I only had a couple to take specially.
So here goes

October Scavenger Hunt

1. crackly leaves

Well I don't know if they are crackly- probably not ! Just dead, limp and decaying.

2.  sunset

A recent, very spectacular one from my backyard.

3. a river

The Brisbane River at night

4. golden

Golden wattle fits the bill.

5. something eerie

The bush after a bushfire. Very quiet without all the birds too.

6. graffiti / street art

Sound barriers along Queensland highways.

7. mist

Taken while on holidays in beautiful Canada - Maligne Lake.

8. a black cat

Julie, belonging to my SIL.
A feral cat, taken in as a wild, spitting orphan kitten and sort of tamed.

9. candle lit

and a delightful dessert in Paris.
Need I say more?
I want to go back !!

10. heritage

Captain Cook's cottage.
 Removed from the UK and re-assembled brick by brick in Fitzroy Gardens in Melbourne. A tribute to a fantastic navigator and the man who is responsible for the decision to make a penal settlement in Australia and therefore our British roots

11. pumpkin

Just about my favourite vegetable. Yummmm !

12. a witch's hat

The only one I could find in our photos.
Taken at the time of the floods in January when there were roads closed for the floods.

That's it for October.
 I'm glad I had a go 'cos I enjoyed finding something to fit each category in the albums in my collection.
The only new photo was the pumpkin !!!


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  1. I love your photos, especially the witch's hat.

  2. Great photos again this month Helen . Love the river shot..and dessert in Paris (Im green with envy!)

  3. A great set of photos Helsie, well done!

    I love the graffiti and thought the little story about captain cooks house was very interesting!

  4. I've just read your comment over on my blog saying you weren't doing it this month .... and here you are with a great set of photos! I love collections from far away.

  5. I love your witch's hat, great use of photographic license! I think my favorite of the set has to be the street art, very cool!

  6. A great load of photos. The lake was stunning and the burnt out bush very creepy. I laughed at the witch's hat.
