Friday, October 28, 2011


As usual I'm linking up with Shay for Favourite Things Friday.

Why don't you click on the link on my sidebar and see what others are writing about their favourite things.


There was a time when our children were small that we would pack up the car and toodle off for a picnic most weekends.

All we needed was a grassy spot in the shade of a tree somewhere in the country

or by the sea

where we could set the table with our special cloth,

put out plates and cups, thermos and soft drink, bread rolls and BBQ chicken

 r. e . l . a . x . x. x . .  . . . .

Now there's just the two of us ( Darby and Joan !!)
 we don't do it often enough but recently,

on the spur of the moment,

we grabbed all the necessary and sped off for a short visit to Bribie Island about an hour and a half 's drive from home.

It was mid-week and not a brilliant day but the sun came out

and so did the camera.

The wild life was co-operative

and it was oh so peaceful.

Ahhhhhhh..... we should do this more often.



  1. It's amazing how good food tastes when you are are outdoors. Great favorite.

  2. What a nice respite in the middle of a busy life!

  3. picnics are lovely and I always think we should have them more often!

    We were really disappointed we didn't think to take a picnic to clumber park last weekend as we found a perfect place to sit and eat one!

  4. Scoots and I need to take a big lesson from you two. We just can't seem to take the time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. What a fun day....and yes, a good picnic is a good thing. Don't forget the dessert...

  5. Excellent favorite! I haven't been on a picnic in forever. You've inspired me to take one! Thanks ☺

  6. LOVE your picnic tablecloth!

    We used to do picnics when Miss P was younger and haven't done one in ages. Ironically we are going on one tomorrow as part of a car rally. I hope we have as much fun as your pictures show you having!

    We're Darby and Joan here too!

  7. Looks like a great day out and, like Shay, I love your picnic cloth too!

  8. Well living in one of the most beautiful places in the world I understand why you love picnics :-)
    I envy you!

  9. Picnics are fun and that spot looks idyllic!

  10. Picnics are great! I rarely have/do them anymore. I need to have one soon.

  11. We did the same when our daughter was growing up, less often now that it's just us two. Looks like a wonderful place to picnic!

  12. So let's get this straight. An Australian picnic involves catching wild seabirds? How do you prepare them and do they taste of fish? Personally, I'd prefer sandwiches and sausage rolls.

  13. Picnics are just the most strangely magical of outings, especially when you have such a beautiful cloth to use. I wonder, did you make it yourself? Have a good week. Ros

  14. Looks like you had a great time, and I love that special cloth!

  15. Mmmmmm lovely. I wish we could do that more often too, but with our weather......!
