Monday, October 24, 2011


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh made a fleeting visit to Brisbane today as part of their present visit to Australia.

From the aeroplane they boarded a catamaran to cruise down the Brisbane River to a reception at Southbank Parklands where they met with many victims of the horrendous floods earlier this year.

The weather was perfect - fine and sunny and 27C.

Huge crowds lined the river all the way to catch a glimpse of them as they passed

 and once at Southbank the Queen continually halted her passage through the crowds to accept bouquets from the many little children who lined the route.

Looks like there won't be any more talk of a republic while she's on the throne.


All photos today from here.


  1. Did you see the pic of her with the basketball player. It looked like queenie had the giggles!

  2. When I heard about the visit to Brisbane I thought 'I bet Helsie has gone to see her'. Are these your pics? You got very close! I wonder what gaffe Philip made this time?!

  3. Dear Helsie,
    Great post as I love all things "royal" since I live in the states. The little boy in the beefeater costume is darling. Her majesty looks beautiful as usual with her hat, gloves, and smile. I think she is worth every penny for upkeep!

  4. I am pleased that the majority of Australians still hold the Queen in high regard. She is a remarkable woman. A constant factor in an ever-changing world. The day she dies will be a very sad one indeed.

  5. You couldn't have been, were you, how did you, I can't believe you......were that close to the Queen. Amazing and quite jealous over here. Like she would ever come to Chicago. Great pictures. Lazy p.j. day here today.

  6. Folks, Folks, didn't you see the little disclaimer at the bottom of the post? No chance of getting that close to the Queen !! We did think of going in but decided the crowds and the heat would combine to be a killer when we'd get a better view on TV. Don't know how she survived in the heat in that coat!

  7. Did you brave the crowds to see the old girl?
    Btw your disclaimer is a bit small for us sight challenged!

  8. I didn't really really think you had got that close. I'm glad you enjoyed the day anyway. Maybe you had some special celebratory eaties and drinkies in front of your telly.
