Monday, October 31, 2011


The Melbourne Cup is known as "the race that stops a nation" because, although today is not a holiday for most parts of Australia, there are few places where work doesn't stop while everybody watches the race.
For stay-at-home women it is an occasion marked by fantastic lunches - either attended at various glamorous venues or in the home of a hostess with the mostest.

So today a group of my friends and I dressed up a tiny bit, donned our race day hats and gathered at the home of one of those hostesses-with-the-mostest!

Ultimate glamour but oh the pain


 Did the size of my hat fool you???

It was tiny ...but oh so glam !!!

Not everyone wore hats .....


... but as you can see we had lots of laughs!

Anyone know which horse won the race ?????????????

Cheers. ( hic !)
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  1. I didnt even watch the race..too busy earning money to pay the tax man!

    Looks like you all had a brilliant day (and even had a drink for me if that "hic" is anything to go by!)

  2. dunaden or something like that! looks like you had a great time! Cheers!

  3. You look fantastic!! Glad you had a great day with your friends.
    Anne xx

  4. Lovely! I think if it was a contest for hats, you should have won!

  5. Oh how fun to get all gussied up, hats and all!! Looks like you had lots of fun.

  6. Mrs A was right - Dunaden won. Red Cadeaux was second in the closest finish for years.

  7. What a fun day! Love your hat!

  8. Love the hats! Looks like loads of fun!

  9. Aren't you all just the cutest in your spiffie little hats. Your's is the cutest. Glad you all had fun.

    Yes, those grannie square ends are the bear to sew in. But, you will be glad you did. The hide as you go, does not really work if it's actually going to be a useable blanket. And around here they are all used at one point in the day or another.
