Wednesday, September 28, 2011


As usual I've left it till the last moment to try to find photos to fulfil the requirements of this month's Scavenger Hunt.

I like to see if I can find photos that will suit in my files, so after I scoured my files I came up with these:

1.  a view from above

Where else but from the Eifel Tower in 2010.

2. Relaxation

You-know-who in his favourite chair watching a documentary about .... The UK of course !!

3. a telephone box

Modern style but lacking the character of the old fashioned ones.
 Not easy to find in this modern day of mobile phones.

4. back to school

Not if I can help it!!!
Two classes and two teachers teaching co-operatively.
Retirement is GREAT !

5. Harvest

A bumper harvest of strawberries in France 2010.

6. the football season

7. What's in the bag ?

He's holding the bag !!!!

 ( goes with photo above )

Yummmmmmmmmm !
 From that market in France 2010.
 Lunch !

8.  something bigger than you

Most things are bigger than me !( taller anyway !)
Spectacular Tintern Abbey, Wales.  2011

9.  a pile of something

My granny squares.

10.  a road sign

Coming down the mountain from Toowoomba.

11.  your desk

12. apples

Scrapbooking layout from the family album.
I must get back to working on it, I'm only up to 1982 !!!!

Well, that's it for another month.

Thanks to Kathy for organising the Scavenger Hunt as usual. If you'd like to see more or join in post your name on the linky to be found here.
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  1. Well done! I'm still working on mine eek! Love the desk set up, it loos like a nice place to work!

  2. Oooh, that foooOOOOOOd!!!!!
    A spectacular view from the Eiffel Tower too.

  3. I love each of these. Of course, your Tony is go great to play along. He looks like he actually enjoys it, some what more than my Scooter. But, that pile of rainbow grannies, now your are talking. I can't wait to see this come to life. We are off and heading north for the fall colors.

  4. I've been up to my daughter's fourth birthday for 10 years now...she's 37 now! Ha! I guess I'll get back to scrapbooking when I retire! Love your photos...view from above entry is spectacular and one I am determined to see in person one day. For now, though, thanks for the peek at it through your blog!

  5. Great set of photos. Love the view from above.

  6. Nice travel photos :) Must bring back good memories. Enjoyed your Scavenger picks :)

  7. your desk is so organised I am in awe, lovely photos and happy joining up of those granny squares

  8. Great photos! What a super desk you have. I love all your French photos - they make me want to visit again. I was at Tintern Abbey a couple of weeks ago - we stopped there for a break on our way into Cornwall:)

  9. Lovely photos, especially the view from above.

  10. Great shots - just love your desk!
