Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Queensland is known for its bananas.
In fact people from other states of Australia call Queenslanders "Banana Benders ".

However ever since cyclone Yasi paid us a devastating visit earlier in the year wiping out most of the banana farms in North Queensland, there have been very few Queensland bananas available to buy in the shops.

For once our government has protected the banana industry by not allowing the import of foreign bananas so as a result the price of the humble banana has soared.

$12 a kilo is more than most families can afford for what was often the standby for children of all ages ( and some adults! ).

But things are about to change.

The first bananas from the recovering farms of North Queensland are about to hit the shops.

By Christmas we'll all be able to afford them once again.


All images today from the internet


  1. I have only had three bananas since February and Im hanging out for the price to drop so I can buy up big! 15 bucks a kilo is far too rich for my blood unless they let me peel them before they weigh them up to charge me!

  2. See. I learn something new every day. I'm not quite sure what that pricing is to us. But we just got ours for .15 per pound, which is really good here. Scott and I have one a day. Off to convert and see what's up.

    By the way, love the new header with your blanket in there too....yipee...

  3. That is expensive isn't it? Imagine having home grown bananas! I did hear a market stall holder shouting out Best British bananas once and one lady believed him! But needless to say we have never had one home grown here. I am not a real fan and will only eat them if they are just ripe once they get brown spots or the flesh is a bit soft I can't stand them so I don't eat that many. I hope the price does come down soon for you but it must have been awful for the growers.

  4. It was awful for the growers that had their crop flattened. Those whose crops were not damaged have made their retirement money in twelve months !
