Thursday, September 29, 2011


Do you remember when I wrote this post about the pure white humpback whale Migaloo?

He is one of the many humpback whales that travel up the east Australian coast every year from Antarctica on their way to warmer waters for the Winter.
It is there that their babies are born and when they return to Antarctica in the Spring they often stop off for a little R&R in the warm, protected waters of Hervey Bay, Queensland.

Making the news today is the sighting of a new, pure white baby whale.

If you would like to read more about it just follow this link:

or this one

Humpback whales are one of my  favouritest  favourite things !!



  1. What an amazing experience for that man and his family! I love whales too.

  2. I saw a story about this cute whale on Sunrise this morning. Just beautiful!
    Anne xx

  3. Wow, consider yourself lucky to live in such a place. I´ve only seen whales at Sea World so far...

  4. Happy FTF. Whales are magnificent aren't they?

  5. A white whale is something pretty special. Whales are so majestic and awe inspiring aren't they?

    I loved this FTF .

  6. Amazing. Totally cool story. Ok, I know I need to get packing. But a girls gotta check her blog friends one last time before shutting down and packing it in the car for the drive to Fall Colors...

  7. That is very cool! A rare and beautiful sight indeed.

  8. Great favorite! Whales are such majestic animals.

  9. We love Migaloo as well and I missed this story, I wonder if it is his baby? The boys and I had a trip to the reef this last week and we were all looking for whales but didn't see any. Had a great day all the same, will have to blog about it as soon as I catch up with the monthly bookwork when kids go back to school tomorrow :-)

  10. I saw this on the news this morning, just amazing! Whales are really beautiful creatures.

  11. What a marvellous story. Let's hope the white whale lives to a ripe old age in spite of the Japanese fishing industry and the fact that his albino skin will not give him the sort of protection from the sun that other humpbacks enjoy.
