Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Are you one of those people who like to read new recipes in magazines, tear them out and keep them till you have time to try them out ?
 I am.
Consequently my recipe books have lots of these pieces of paper tucked inside them waiting to see the light of day.
Today I had some old teaching pals coming to lunch so instead of trotting out the same old standards I decided it was a great opportunity to try something new.
Into the recipe books I plunged and as I opened the book a page fluttered out.

When I looked it was a page from the Australian Woman's Weekly from October 1985 !!

Chicken and Ham Cheesecake.

That sounded good.

So up on the fridge door went the recipe and I set about gathering the ingredients.
It's always a bit of a gamble trying out something new when you have guests but they were all old friends and there is never a shortage of food ( and conversation !!) on these occasions.
We could always resort to bread and vegemite if necessary.

Well, I'm happy to say the recipe was a great success.
 It looked pretty good coming out of the oven .....

and onto the plate. 

It tasted delicious.

Here's the recipe if you'd like to give it a try.
125g packaged plain savoury biscuits, crushed
90g butter, melted
¼ teasp dried mixed herbs
1½ cups cooked chicken, diced
60g ham, chopped
1 onion finely chopped
2 tabsp  Plain Flour
1 cup chicken stock
¾ cup of grated tasty cheese
1 teasp dry mustard
250g cream cheese, softened
3 eggs, separated
⅓ cup cream

Combine biscuits, butter and herbs, press over base of a greased 20cm springform tin. Refrigerate
1. Melt butter in a pan, add onion and cook till softened. Stir in flour, cook 1 minute, stirring.
2. Add stock, stir over heat till mixture boils and thickens.
3. Add cheese and mustard
4. In a bowl beat cream cheese and egg yolks till smooth.
5. Stir in cream, cheese sauce, ham and chicken
6. Beat egg whites till firm peaks then fold lightly into chicken mixture
7. Pour into springform pan and bake in a moderate oven ( 180C) 1¼ hours or till set
It's definitely a keeper.


PS. Blogger is doing funny things with the Font size today.
I've given up and I'm letting him have his head !! :)


  1. I would never have thought of making a savoury cheesecake but it looks delicious. I too have loads of torn from magazines recipes but I did make a file for them some while back and I also go through every now and then and throw out any I have still not got round to trying out!

  2. I have lots of recipes like this one that I see on the internet and print out. My binder has more loose sheets as I don't put them in until I try them. I need to tidy it up. This recipe looks like it needs to be printed. What type of cracker do you use? I will have to find a Canadian substitute.

  3. I'm finding excellent recipes on Pinterest. I just store them all together under my category (i.e., board) "food". No more little pieces of paper to store.

  4. First thought was ????? savoury cheesecake. But it looks so yummy. I used to keep a old exercise book with these sorts of recipes pasted in it. A few moves ago, I decided I needed to trim things down and it went. Funny thing is though, I have looked for (and luckily found) my very old favourites from that book :-)

  5. Bonnie,
    I think any plain cracker biscuit would do. The sort you eat with cheese.
    Happy eating!

  6. I'm just like you..I have a ton of recipes I want to try and they sit in my recipe book forever.

    Glad the "cheesecake" was a success....

  7. Oooooohhhh!!!!!!!! WOOOOOWWWW!!! It sounds fantastic, looks fantastic and I can even taste and smell it from where I'm sitting! I'll definitely make it!
    Never heard of savoury cheesecake but why not? I have delicious recipes for fish crumble and for fruit and nut lasagne.

  8. Oh no. Can you help me please? I highlighted the recipe and right clicked on it. One of the options was 'copy' so I clicked 'copy'. I thought it would ask me where I wanted to copy to, but nothing happened. Not sure what to do.

  9. Foody,
    You are doing it the right way. It will be copied on to the computer's "clipboard". Just go to where you want to store it - say, open a new page in Word - and click on "Paste". It will paste it from the clipboard to that page. Give it a little time. Sometimes it is slow to paste from a page on the internet.
    Hope that does it for you. Email me if you have any more trouble.

  10. Oh, right! Thanks for that. I knew nothing about clipboard.

  11. I collect recipes. I hate cooking. Go figure!
    We just returned from cornwall where we met some fabulous Aussies (from the Gold coast) on a 5 week tour. They were intending to finish their trip in Northern Ireland, photgraphing headstones of her Fathers ancestors.

  12. Kath;
    The Gold Coast is about 60 miles from Brisbane. It's where Sally lives and we can get there in about an hour. Beautiful beaches and lots of highrise accommodation so not everyone's cup of tea.
