Sunday, September 18, 2011


WOW, the weather certainly has warmed up quickly here!

Saturday's forecast promised 30+C but with low humidity that means comfortable heat so we decided to do one of our favourite walks along the river into the city starting out at the university.

I've taken you on this walk before here and here so I won't bore you with any more waffle about it along the way.

As you can see from the photos we couldn't have had a bluer sky

as we walked past the new Gallery of Modern Art

and over to the Kurilpa pedestrian bridge. 

The reward was brunch - a much needed cup of tea, hot chocolate for Tony

and this scrumptious looking breakfast.

On the way home on the CityCat ferry we encountered this chap...

Don't know what that was about !!!!!!!!!!

and to finish off the day Saturday's sunset was quite spectacular

Hope your weekend's been fun.



  1. Stop bragging about the heat you people down there-I had to turn the heating on last night, brrgghhh....

  2. That breakfast DOES look rather delicious.

  3. Regarding the chap in the seventh picture, I don't wish to alarm you but he is an alien from the Planet Zog. Australia is about to be settled by exiles from that planet who will require thousands of native Australians to build their settlements and nurture their crops. As long as you do as they say you will be okay.

  4. Delicious breakfast and stunning sunsets! Hope your week is just as good! Ros

  5. What a lovely day you had Helsie! We had to turn the heat on Sunday evening to take the chill out of the house. This is the earliest we have ever turned it on. I guess Fall is here for us.

  6. Oh, for a sunny September Saturday and a beautiful bright evening! Haven't seen one of those since Hungary.
    Lovey breakfast of toast, bacon, egg, tomato and .....what's that green thing? A lettuce leaf? Half an avocado, sliced?

  7. Thanks for sharing your beautiful Saturday.
