Thursday, September 8, 2011


While I was up in Hervey Bay on Saturday our city's Spring festival called Riverfire was swinging into action.
Tony decided to go in as there was to be a flypast by some Hornets and he is a bit of an aeroplane freak
enthusiast and he took these photos for me.
As parking costs enough to warrant taking out a special bank loan these days, he caught a bus- a novelty in itself - and was delivered into the centre of town.

These Leopard trees that line the whole street are such a nice splash of green amongst the new towering buildings.

There was quite a lively festive air throughout the city

with bands playing and families out enjoying the warmer temperatures.

The flowers in the Mall were very pretty too.

He walked over to Southbank where all the action was to be later in the night with a fantastic fireworks display.

Crowds were beginning to gather along the river bank in anticipation of the airshow. 

The Performing Arts Complex's bright facade made a lovely splash of colour but the trees in front seem to be dead, perhaps they are a casualty of the floods earlier in the year.

Before long the Hornets made their appearance flying low over the city ,

making several passes, some of them upside down

until they made a spectacular fiery exit.

He decided it was getting too crowded for him and there was a long wait till the fireworks ( and he was all alone and lonesome !!) so he toddled off home.

 Last night we went back into the city to see the Laser Light Show over the river.

It was a lovely night and the lights looked very pretty on the water.

Tony was experimenting with his new camera and tripod so he set it all up on the river bank

 while I found a comfy spot on the grass and we waited for the show to start.

And what a show it was !

It was all set to music played over a loudspeaker system.

With the help of two tugboats spouting huge cascades of water from their hoses, lovely coloured lights danced through the air above the water.

They made all sorts of shapes that snaked this way and that.

Absolutely delightful on a balmy Spring night.

 When it was all over we walked to the busy restaurant precinct nearby

where we joined lots of others getting a bite of dinner ....

before it was off to the bus stop and home.

We may go back for another look before the festival finishes on the 24th.


PS. As you can see most of these photos are Tony's (Bravohorse !!!) but I managed to get a few with my trusty little camera in the difficult night time conditions
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  1. Looks like a really fun evening and the photos are great! Though the ones of the planes and the skyscrapers were a little scary especially seeing what the date is on Sunday! Glad you had a good time and poor lonely Tony not wanting to wait for the fireworks all on his own!

  2. Look at Tony all there with his fancy tripod. Way to go Ton's. He needed it to capture all the glory of that light show. I can only imagine how wonderful it was to be sitting there with the breeze of the water. Those are my favorite types of days. Except, well, the driving home part in traffic.

    P.S. Both of us are all about the history and medical part with Claire and Jamie. Romance, is over rated after 20 years....giggle....

    Have a splendid weekend.

  3. These photos are great and it looks like a great day out! Matlock Bath is hosting its illuminations now, as every year, with model illuminated boat shows! I don't expect you'll have seen it, but it's a great event which we go to most years. I hope to blog it this year!

    I was a little confused when you mentioned Winchester in your comment, I think perhaps you mean Winster as that is not far from Matlock?! Matlock is not far from me, perhaps 25 miles and we visit quite often.

    The Goyt Valley is a great place for a walk. It's located kind of between Buxton and Macclesfield, if that rings any bells?! You seem so well travelled, I won't be surprised if you have been there!

    Dave has settled in ok but is still job hunting. He keeps applying for things and had registered with a couple of agencies but it's a bad time for finding work and we have found that people are just not responding at all when he does apply for things - not even a 'thanks for applying but you didn't get it' email!

    We'll get there in the end though and when something does change, I'll be sure to blog it! Thanks for asking after him :)

    Hope you have a lovely weekend


  4. Quite a festival and great photos! A fantastic list of favorites. Greetings from across the big puddle.

  5. I forget to mention. I think the Ripple is an excellent choice for your second one. Once you get that Tog stitch down it goes pretty quickly. Remember, I've only been doing this for a little over two years now. You are making great progress. However, I do not stop during the hot summer monthes when inside with the A.C. on here.

    Can't wait to see your color choices. It's a great stash buster too.

  6. I think all of the pictures look fantastic! You do such interesting stuff with your spare time. I really need to get out more.

    I love the balloons from Tony's picture (so cute!) and the laser light show looks amazing!

  7. Thanks for sharing your lovely day. It certainly looks like you had fun. It is also lovely to see Brisbane full of life and people getting out and about, especially after the devastating floods from earlier this year.
    Enjoy that lovely weather you are having and the weekend too.
    Anne xx

  8. Amazing shots, all of them. Night stuff is so hard to get right on digital cameras. You and Tony have such interesting (and fun) adventures!

  9. What beautiful lights! It looks like great fun!

  10. Such wonderful pictures. Must have been amazing in person. I love the ferris wheel .. (although they scare me).

  11. Amazing photos, Helsie. It looks as if it was a very successful outing with so much to see.

  12. Oh, these are lovely picures that really bring the atmosphere of the day to life. I had to do a double take when you were talking about Southbank and I saw the ferris wheel - our South Bank in London also has a wheel and it's been the Thames Festival this week.

    I am specially impressed with the night time photos, when I try to take night time shots they usually seem to end up as a bit of a mess.

  13. Wow! Please thank Tony for all those great photos -yours too, Helsie - loved them all - just like watching a travel show. I especially liked the urban forest shot at the start. I do so like to see trees in a city.

    Thanks for sharing!

  14. Wow! Those photos are amazing. I love the night time city over the water photos. Looks like a great time was had. Ros

  15. great photos! i still have mine on the camera from the fireworks I'm a bit slow getting them onto the blog!

  16. These are great photos. I'd love to see a laser light show.
    Mine is a plane freak (em, I mean enthusiast) too!

  17. Love it all! Australia is beautiful place to spend their life.Here are much more festivals where we can get more rental brisbane is the best way to attend any show.
