Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Just back from Hervey Bay and rushing off to read all the blogs.

I'm just snatching a moment to show you my latest finish.

I'm pleased with the colour combinations. It goes very well with the colour scheme of this room.

The weather is warming up very quickly so it won't be staying there very long before it is put away till next Winter.

It's  just right for a bit of added warmth ......

Yep, it'll do nicely.

Now, what's next ? ????



  1. By George, I think you have it down. WOW. It's stunning. You picked some wonderful colors. What next is always the big question. Glad to have another friend with a hook in hand. Isn't it fun. You have every right to be very very proud of this. Is just blows my mind that you are getting to summer and we are looking to winter. Some day I feel like you live right down the block from me. Yeah, I know in my dreams, which is right where I need to head. A little of Claire and Jamie first...all the way to book 5. Don't tell, but Scott is one book 2. Must be the history and medicine part, we know it not the romance....giggling off to bed...

    You know who...

  2. Helen it's beautiful! The colours are so unusual but so right and go so well with the scheme in that room. Of course my eye was drawn to the crazy cushions too - love them! Thanks for your comment on my post - glad you enjoy my little travelogues!

  3. It really is beautiful Helen. They are lovely soft colours together.

  4. What's next? How about crocheted willy warmers in Australia's gold and green? You wouldn't need much wool.

  5. Wow! Your blanket is really lovely and does fit in so well with the colour scheme. I remember loving the colour combination when I first saw the project. Ros

  6. Hi Helsie, the blanket it´s so beautiful!!
    And the color too.
    God bless you

  7. Really pretty blanket, Helsie! Love the colors. It looks great laying at the end of your bed like that. What's next? :)

  8. Very pretty! The colors are gorgeous.
