Wednesday, August 31, 2011


What a rush !!
I was going to give this month's Scavenger Hunt a miss until I saw a few and that got me going.
As a result I've been combing through all of our photos to find some to fit the bill.

I'm off to Hervey Bay to be with Dad for Fathers' Day so I'm going to make Photo Scavenger Hunts my favourite thing for Favourite Things Friday too.

Here are the photos for August:

1. a fountain

In the lovely grounds of Cliveden in the Chilterns, England on our recent holiday.

Coincidentally Tony and I lived next door to eachother when we were teenagers on a housing estate called Cliveden.

2. street food

London's Portobello Road Markets had some fantastic looking food.
That's me peeking through the gap way back in 2008.

3. mountains

It's hard to beat Canada for mountains. Taken in 2007 just after I retired.

4. bread

Where else but France !!!

5. a picnic

A picnic tea on Dover's Hill on our final night in the Cotswolds after a 3 week stay in Willersey in 2008

6. sport

The ANZAC Day AFL game in Melbourne.

A very special match for all Collingwood ( Magpies ) fans.
You always have to eat a pie at the footy !!!

7. a boat

Ahhhh ... what a setting!
Eilean Doonan castle, Dornie Scotland .

8. a market

Ludlow, Shropshire 2011

9. fabric

Pretty colours used in my latest quilty project.

10. something ancient

No, not me!
The wall !!!
Hadrian's Wall to be exact!
Many years ago.

11. a fair or festival

The ANZAC Day parade in Melbourne

12. something bizarre

You asked for it!
 Me, very unwillingly, wearing a Loch Ness Monster hat that only ridiculous tourists would buy !!

Well that's it for August.



  1. Good job. What fun. I do adore a few of these, classics.

  2. So glad you persisted and posted these. The street food looked amazing!

  3. Love the food photo's making me hungry.

    I give you full points for posting that picture pf the hat! Very brave.

  4. That was a fun hunt! Enjoyed all of your photos especially the Loch Nest hat....there is a Loch Nest Visitor Center???? How funny!

  5. Oh, how I wish I known of your visit to the 'Fountain of Love' at Cliveden - I could have walked up the hill to meet you both. All those thousands of miles between your home and and mine, and you were just a 'spitting distance' away (as we Buckinghamshire Boys so crudely say. Ah, well, perhaps another time.

  6. yehhhhhh at last I can post a comment on other blogs and not be anonymous! for days now i have been going around in circles. I was trying to thank you earlier in the week for your good wishes to my husband on his retirement Helsie.
    we are off to Australia later in the year to visit my husbands sister and family in Melbourne. I am pleased you managed a visit to Scotland :-)

  7. Helen - Several English pictures there. I have the distinct impression that you are an Anglophile. Well I'm English so what are my chances... honey?

  8. Beautiful photos and a fun way to share them.You've certainly been to some beautiful and interesting places.

  9. I LOVE THEM and now want to travel more than ever. :) Thanks for sharing the beauties.

  10. You nailed all the topics! Very fun photos!

  11. The boat is my favorite! The photo hunt seems like a fun idea!

  12. You obviously do lots of travelling. Great photo's

  13. You've seen more of the UK than I have - Scotland's a mystery! Haven't been to Cliveden in decades, either. Love the material...
    Thanks for posting these photos, interesting to see what you chose.

  14. Can I just live your life? I think it's so great that you and your husband are able to enjoy travels together.

    Thanks for sharing such great pictures with us. Where's the next place on your itinerary?

  15. Great pix! Number 10 made me laugh. Happy weekend!

  16. Love the photos! What a brave girl for wearing that hat and having it recorded in a photo for all to see. :) Happy FTF!

  17. Wonderful photos Helen! Did you and Tony grow up in England that name sounds English? I love the photo at the footy with the pie and the one of you and Nessie....glad you shared :-)

  18. Ha ha! Some very funny ones there. Think my favourite was the boat on the loch. Or maybe the giant paella pans. Fancy you two growing up next door to each other. Is that how you met, or did you both go away then meet again another time, another place?
