Sunday, September 11, 2011


There's a new project on the go in this house - a steep learning curve methinks.

Although I swore I'd never do any patchwork involving triangles this project has lots of them.

If .... it works out , it will be a Christmas Table Runner.
I've already unpicked a section because the points didn't match...

and thrown out and resewed a bit that contained:

 2 Eighth Square Triangles,
1 Quarter Square Triangle
and 1 Half Square Triangle

because after I had sewn it all together I recut it wrongly !!!

Phew, this could take a while, I have to psyche myself up to get back into it !!!



  1. Bon courage Helen - (I kinow now why I don't do patchwork!! It will be great when it's done though and if a few corners don't exactly match will it matter as it sill perhaps be covered with your table settings? Do keep us posted as to your progress.

  2. Go girl!
    I am wary of triangles, but I am watching you with great interest. You are just like me, if it doesn't line up, it drives me mad (which is probably why I started making crazy quilts LOL).
    I like your christmas fabric very much. Every year I promise myself I will make a christmas quilt for my soaf!

  3. I'm placing an order for a twenty two foot triangulated Christmas runner for our banquet table. It should be a yard across. In fact we will have three of them please. Equilateral triangle dimensions - each side two and a half inches. Thank you in anticipation of your hard labour.

  4. Ugh points...I can never get them to match up.

    One block at a time my friend. Think of it as a challenge. A BIG challenge.

  5. Good luck with joining all those shapes. It does look quite challenging, but just think at the end you will have a gorgeous table runner. :) I love your new banner!!
    Anne xx

  6. I love patchwork but am totally ham-fisted so really admire anyone who can do it. Good luck with your triangles!
