Monday, August 22, 2011


There's a bit of this been happening here for the last few days.

We need it badly, the front lawn is the colour of straw.

With it , it has brought cooler temperatures - or at least it feels cooler because it's dark and bleak.

So I've had a chance to finish off my tablecloth project.


Ta Dah !

Just the right size for a card table and completed in time to use tomorrow.

I'm off to make some Morning Tea for tomorrow's guests.



  1. I do love your table cover; and so soon you're going to put it to good use! When we had a break in our weather two weeks ago it was so welcomed...all of our grass was brown and crunchy. It has rained a bit every day for two weeks, and we are back to green again. This is an early weather break for us, though. This usually happens at the end of September...but I'm loving it!

  2. I love nothing better than a good rain to brighten up the green. Really, really nice job on the card table cloth. So, what games do you ladies play over there. Hearts? Bridge? Rummy?

  3. Your tablecloth is fabulous. I love the colours. Enjoy your morning tea.
    Anne xx

  4. Your tablecloth looks wonderful, a great finish.
    It's pouring here at the moment. It's alternating between bits of sunshine and torrential downpours. We need the rain too, it's been very dry here also.

  5. I think the table cloth will steal the show!
    summer is turning to autumn here.

  6. Brilliant Helen I am sure your guests will love it too. Glad you are having some rain at last - the weather world wide seems crazy this year as we had to light the fire one evening last week (in August!) and have had a real mixed bunch of rain and warm sunshine chilly and cloud. Some of everything and we are all still waiting for proper summer to arrive!! Love the new header by the way.

  7. Wow, those clouds look ominous. Good to hear you are having the rain you need though.

    We never have two days the same at the moment. After a lovely weekend, today is rainy and cool. We are still waiting for summer!

    Love the card table cloth.


  8. The sky are a bit like that here as well - and it is summer! Love the tablecloth - I have one of those on my todo list.

  9. Like the new photo-mosaic header! Very cool.

  10. We have your sun down South this week and we're enjoying it a lot. Thank you for sharing.

    Love the tablecloth. It turned out beautifully!

  11. Like the new header, all are great photographs. Your table topper is beautiful, very bright and colorful (a personal favorite). Glad you got some rain. We've had a couple of days of rain the last few weeks, so things are less brown. But it's still hot, 106 F today.
