Friday, August 19, 2011


G'day everyone !
Thought I'd just take this opportunity to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a little hello now and then.
I love the way friendships have developed over the years that I have been writing this blog.

I wrote my first post on the 20th August 2009 without any idea of an audience. Just fiddling with the computer and trying out something new.
Then I saw the movie Julie and Julia and at the same time a friend directed me to the famous blog Attic24.
From Attic24 I visited other blogs and was enthusiastically telling my friend Ro about them, when she said,
 "Why don't you do the same thing? If you enjoy reading about people's lives from all over the world, then they might find it interesting to read about your life."

So I gave it a go.
I'm so thankful that I did.

I've " met " lots of people and made many friends.

I've been entertained,
and amused.

Blogging has become a much-loved part of my life
and I thank you all for making it so enjoyable.



  1. I'm so glad you did too Helsie! You're a great friend and I love reading about your life down under. I started my blog in Nov. 2009 after finding Susan's Naps Between The Porches blog while surfing HGTV on the internet. A whole new world opened to me. I just love the way we can meet other people from all over the world. I can't imagine not blogging now. So happy blog anniversary to you and many, many more.
    Hugs, Sandy

  2. Happy Bloggy Anniversary Helsie! Thanks for sharing your and Tony's adventures. It's been fun seeing life on your side of the world.

  3. Happy Blogiversary Helen. So pleased to have found your blog and love to hear of your adventurers and see your great photos.

  4. Bonne anniversaire Helsie. I'm glad to have found you too.

  5. Happy anniversary Helen. I am glad that you started blogging and that we have met in this way too - it's been really interesting to learn more about life on the other side of the world. Here's to the next year eh?!

  6. thats exactly how i feel too. I have had many blogs over the years but end up closing them down. I am determined this one will stay though, you do make some lovely friendships along the way dont you. I will enjoy reading yours
    Gill x

  7. Happy Blogiversary Helen. I'm glad you started as well x

  8. Dear Helen, it has been a delight getting to know you and reading about your life down under. Happy Blogbirthday!

  9. Happy Bolggy Anniversary...and please keep on writing! I love all the stories I can get from down under....never in my life would I have thought about "meeting" someone from Australia, and now I have regular readers on my blog from all over the world....thanks for sharing and stopping by.

  10. Happy Anniversary! I enjoy reading your blog and have learned much from it. Keep up the interesting read.

  11. Three hundred and fifty one blogs!
    That must be worth a 'pat on the back' and an excuse to nip out for a celebratory meal. :)
    Cheers.....Blogger Bernard from Bucks!

  12. Happy Second Blogging Anniversary, Helsie, or HSBA for short. I am fast approaching four years on mine, but our mutual friend Yorkshire Pudding has been sharing his thoughts online since 2005. We are Johnny-come-latelys.

  13. dear helsie,
    congratulations on the blog anniversary. i seldom comment so want to say that your blog brings me joy in many ways. you educate me on your part of the world, i travel with you on holidays, cherish the love you show to your parents, but mostly your positive attitude to life shows through in the quality of the material you share. your cheerful smile says it all. thank you.

  14. It was lovely to 'meet' you too Helsie and thankyou for all the lovely comments you leave on my blog. The Blog world is such a friendly place.
    Happy Blogiversary!

  15. Thank YOU Helsie! I love reading about your life and adventures in sunny Brisbane and travels around the world! So glad we found each other's blogs.

    Happy Blog Anniversary and here's to many more!

    Have a great weekend.


  16. Congratulations on your blogiversary Helsie.

    I really enjoy reading about your life and all the things you get up to. It's been a pleasure reading your posts and here's hoping for many many more!

  17. Congratulations on your second birthday. Your blog has given me a fascinating insight into Australian life.
    Best wishes,
    Y.Pudding (Why NOT pudding?)

  18. It's so cool to think that we started the same time and found each other so far away with in such a sort time too. I so have enjoyed each and every one of your post of the past two years. I have learned so much about your country and all the fun places you and "The Ton" travel too..... And I do so enjoy including "The Ton" in all my giggles of the day as I respond.

    Keep On, Carrying On, My Sweet Pal,

  19. Ahhhh my lovely friends, thank you soooo much for your kind words and good wishes. You have all so enriched my life !

  20. I've been gone for a while and this is the first I've seen this post. Keep blogging, because your friend was right...we enjoy reading about your life just as you enjoyed those first few blogs you followed. Funny isn't it...none of us move mountains, but the footprints we leave are interesting, nonetheless!

  21. Hi Helen,
    Apologies for being late again!
    I hope you enjoyed a good anniversary!
    Mine is 10th September.
    I got a bit muddled with kates comments the other day on Mrs Twins.
    Heres wishing you lots more happiness!
    I know our blogging friends are just the best!
    Love Suex

  22. Happy Blogoversary, Helen!

    I love reading about other people's lives - and yours is very interesting! I echo the comments of the above readers that your positive attitude is very welcoming!!
