Friday, August 19, 2011


It's Favourite Things Friday again.
I'm joining Mrs PJs and hordes of other interesting people.
If you'd like to join in just follow the link on my sidebar.

This is my favourite thing today

I'm not one to have her nails done professionally.
I'd rather do them myself and up till now I rarely wore nail polish except perhaps when I was on holidays.
In the past as soon as I put polish on my nails it would chip and flake off immediately
 (Too much housework? I don't think so !!!)
and then my nails would break.

On our recent holiday in England I went in search of some nail polish and found this polish in Boots.

It's not expensive like a lot I've tried.
In fact it is VERY cheap...
but it does exactly what it says on the bottle !

It wears a little on the tip of your nail but it doesn't chip and flake off at all.

( when did my hands get this old ??? )



  1. Isn't it great to find something you really like at a bargain price and if it does what it says on the tin then that's wonderful! Your hands look lovely and think how odd they'd be if they were like a teenager's! I never wear nail varnish on my fingernails only on my toes because I find I feel as if I am wearing gloves with varnish on my fingernails - weird eh?!!

  2. I've been thinking for weeks that I need to paint my nails (I haven't done it in months !)

    Isn't it wonderful when you find a product that actually works. Rocking the red there Helen.

    Your hands don't look old - they have character.

  3. Anything I buy from Boots is always very good value. I wear colourless varnish for everyday...well actually for all days!

  4. Very nice colour. I dabbled a bit as a young teen. I didn't really want to but it was peer pressure. I could never afford the remover stuff so just had to chip and chip away when I wanted to get it off!

  5. Great find. By the way, your hands are not old, they are full of character and a good life. At least that's what I tell myself.

    Weekend Wishes,

  6. I use to always have my nails painted but don't get round to it that often now. I like loreal varnish - they had a good long lasting one but I found that the longer lasting it is, the longer you have to leave it to get really dry in the first place.
    I still have a collection of colours though in case I want to dabble - hmmm, might just do that today.

  7. Hi Helen,
    Your hands and nails look great from where I'm sitting. I know what you mean though, I keep thinking my arms look old. I don't like it.
    You're as young as you feel.
    Have a nice weekend,
    Love suex.

  8. Our hands (and feet) do need an occasional pampering. Blessings!

  9. My nails are just to ugly for polish but yours are the perfect shape!

  10. Very pretty nails. Red is definitely their color!

  11. Love nail polish but I usually reserve it for my toe nails as it seems to chip too quickly on my fingers. It's great when you find a good product, isn't it, a pity it's not available here.

  12. Great find Helen. I love beautifully polished nails and I am always envious...unfortunately years of working in a pathology lab have made my nails so brittle...I do wear it to go out on special occassions even though they don't look as good as yours.

  13. Your hands don´t look´s just bad lighting :-)
    I like to have my nails done, cause I bite nails and other wise they look aweful...but I do paint my toe nails once in a while.
    Great Favourite!
