Wednesday, August 17, 2011


"Just another day in Paradise"
That's one of the slogans that is used to promote Queensland as a tourist destination for fellow Aussie travelers.
"Beautiful one day, Perfect the next"
 is another slogan.
Of course they are referring to Queensland weather - especially in the Winter when those who live in the southern states of Australia are experiencing a wet, cold Winter.

On Wednesday we woke to skies like this

and decided an outing for lunch was in order.
We stuffed around a bit reading blogs, the paper, having breakfast before we settled on a destination -

Mooloolaba Surf Club.

Mooloolaba (Ma-loo-la-bar) is one of the beaches of the Sunshine Coast, an area of beaches to the north of Brisbane.
(sorry, only map I could find on the internet )

It's about a one and a half hour drive from home - three quarters of an hour across town, then a speedy highway trip the rest of the way.
We knew we would be having a late lunch after such a late start so when we had parked the car we went straight to the Surf Club which sits on the edge of the beach.

The decorations that hang from the ceiling leave you in no doubt about where you are.

Although it was mid-week the place was buzzing

and when you look out of the windows it is easy to see why!

Immediately below you the beach stretches out in all directions.

Despite the fact that it is Winter and the temperature was around 20C a few brave souls were swimming. (I've rarely seen the surf so flat - caused by winds coming from the west )

After lunch we set out along the path on a mission to take photos to show you how lovely Mooloolaba is.

Playground areas for kids on one side of the path ..

this on the other side.

Across the road from the beach there are shops and holiday units  .

with lovely balconies that overlook the sea.

We could see people sitting on chairs in the warm sun - paradise?

We walked along the path watching everyone enjoying the beautiful day till we came to another section of the beach - the rocks.

The beach isn't the beach without rock pools is it?

This beach has a lovely section of safe rocks to climb over and explore

As we walked further we spied something through the trees.

This !

How's this for the best position for a caravan park?

After a delicious gellato ice-cream we headed south to Caloundra as our last stop before heading home

and ended up here
( red marker on map - click to enlarge )

Bullcock Beach - strange name I know after all the Aboriginal beach names.
That's Bribie Island over there.
Looking back towards the west you can just make out those Glasshouse Mountains that Captain Cook named and I spoke about here.

See how fast the water is running here? It is a dangerous spot for swimming but fishermen love it.

These ones are courting danger right on the edge of the channel but conditions are good today

The shipping channel for the port of Brisbane comes quite close to the beach here and it was very busy this afternoon.

Lovely parkland curves right round the headland.

Here there was quite a large stand of Pandanas Trees .

Up close you can see there are quite a few of the fruit.
They look a little like upside down pineapples don't they?
 In the past  Aborigines ate them though I don't know much about that.

There were groups of people using the park facilities

like the free electric BBQs

but it was getting late and most had packed up and were heading home as the temperature was beginning to drop so we headed back towards the car.

Tony needed a snack to sustain him on the hour and a half drive home so we found a Fish Shop across the road ....

and he was happy with a few chips !!

The sun had disappeared by now.

I love the pale, gentle light just before dark

By the time we got back to the highway ( 10 minutes) it was nearly dark ( around 5:30pm).

Just another lovely day in paradise ?

I think so !


PS. Sorry this post is so long !
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  1. Just stop that showing off with your blue skies and your sunshine when we Brits are sitting here in the rain with our big jumpers on and it's meant to be summer.

    LOL Don't mind me Helen, I'm only jealous LOL I just woke up and looked out and surprise! it's raining again. I don't think we are going to have a summer this year.
    You enjoy it all!

  2. So close Helen!!!! Not far from me again............
    It was a beautiful day on Wednesday wasn't it, not quite so nice today although this afternoon warmed up.

  3. What a lovely day you had. 20 degrees would be most welcome here just now. August is turning out to be cold on the whole.
    Finishing a day with chips eaten off paper is the perfect ending.

  4. If this is what happens when one retires I seriously cant wait. Looks like a wonderful day (and your weather is so much better than ours was!)

  5. This post gives an insider's insight into coastal Queensland in wintertime. Much better than a holiday brochure view or an official tourist information view. Thank you.
    Regarding the surf club you said: "The decorations that hang from the ceiling leave you in no doubt about where you are." Yeah! A lunatic asylum!

  6. The Australian equivalent of the US Chamber of Commerce should hire you to do their adds. Lovely photos!
