Thursday, August 4, 2011


Here it is Friday again and once again I've surprised myself by being ready with a post.
If you'd like to join in just click on the button on my sidebar and visit Mrs PJs lovely blog.
The internet is an interesting place isn't it?
Thanks to fellow blogger, Yorkshire Pudding we have found a site called Panoramio and it is my favourite thing this week.

This is a site for photographers to display their photos.
People whose hobby is all things photographic can show their photos to people who have a similar interest in photography.
Soon you find yourself leaving messages and becoming a follower a little like we do in Blogland.

From Panoramio the next step you can take is to put your photos from your travels on Google Earth.
Now this part is great fun.
Just think , when you zoom down on Little Stretten in Shropshire, England using Google Earth you may find this photo of ME outside a favourite pub there !!!

 or this photo of Lynton in Devon at night taken from our cottage up on the hill overlooking the village,

 or Lake Patricia near Jasper, Canada taken when we visited in 2007,

or even this recent photo of the Glasshouse Mountains here in Queensland

All these photos (and quite a few others) were taken by Tony and are now up there on Google Earth !!!
What fun!
His Panoramio name is " bravohorse " (this link will take you to his photos ) 

So now I have Blogging and he has Panoramio!
What a technology crazy house this is becoming.



  1. Ohhh! Another place I can go to look at and be amazed and inspired by. I hadn't heard of this one before.

    The internet is a crazy place- how did we live without it? And how cool is it to be able to share all of your holiday pictures with everyone else!

    Lovely to see you for FTF again this week Helen.

  2. Great FTF Helen and what gorgeous photos....I am so jealous I am very lacking in the photographic department....The web is a fascinating place. I love Mt Cootha lookout too. We take all our visitors there too! LOL!

  3. How good that he has his own computer compulsion, now he can't complain about yours! :-)

  4. I'll check out the website,? It sounds cool.

  5. Ha..good to know..I´ll check out the site and have my husband post our pics...that way he can´t complain about me blogging anymore..:-)

  6. As long as you both aren't fighting to get on the same computer its all good!

  7. I hadn't heard of that site either, I'll have to go check it out.
    I hope you have two computers!!!!

  8. I love great photos. Good to meet you via FTF.

  9. Lovely photos and great site! Thanks for sharing. Happy FTF! ☺

  10. Tony has some gorgeous photos. It looks like a great site.

  11. So now I really can take that armchair holiday whenever I please. Thanks for sharing they sure are some very nice photo's he has shared.

  12. What amazing photos the one of lake patricia was one that I would love to see in pretty at night. Im going to visit this Panoramio your talking about. Trish

  13. These are lovely photos. When I want to know what a place looks like, I put it into Google Images. So now when I do that, I might find your photos, or even you! What fun!
