Tuesday, August 2, 2011


 I seem to be showing you lots of photos of Brisbane at the moment.
I guess it's just because the weather is so lovely that we are out and about enjoying it before the heat of Summer returns.

After a trip to the hairdresser today
( and yes I do look and feel a lot better! )
we decided to drive up to Mt Coot-tha
 ( pronounced Coo- tha )
to the lookout for lunch.

Mt Coot-tha is not really a mountain by world standards.
It is 287m above sea level and on the western outskirts of Brisbane.
It's one of those places you always take visitors because it overlooks the city of Brisbane and the views are terrific.

There is a lovely old colonial style building up there which is a restaurant ..
 ( an expensive one too but hey, the view at night is worth it !)

and a very pleasant cafe which does a roaring trade in
 tea and coffees
and ice creams.

called the Kuta Cafe.

This is the reason it is so popular.

I took this from the table where I was sitting.

Using the zoom a little

 A few steps over and the city comes into view.

After a very nice bacon and egg sandwich for me and a beef 'n bacon burger for Tony, we moved up to the actual lookout platform for an uninterrupted view..........

with glimpses of the big Brisbane River as it snakes its way through the trees and the suburbs that cling to it.

( It's the one that caused all the heartache when it flooded so badly earlier in the year. )

( aerial photo of the river as it snakes through the city from the internet )

It is amazing how much cooler it is when you go a little higher and there is a light breeze filtering through the trees so as the night air came in it started to get colder.

Tony's you-beaut, new camera took over from my point-and-snap one for the sunset photos.
( click on the photos for  lovely large photos )

The sun began to dip below the horizon ....

and the last rays lit up the city.

Soon night began to fall and all over the city lights began to twinkle into life.

Soooo pretty !

 It was time to get out of the cold and head for home .



  1. What a lovely sunset! I'd enjoy stopping by for a bite to eat there. Looks so peaceful.

  2. OH, how I love to eat outside and dine al fresco. What a lovely spot. Thanks for sharing your lunch time with us. I always knew that Tony was a spoiler.

    Doesn't a haircut feel wonderful. I need one some for the sweat dripping down my neck.

    Thanks for your kind words about my brother. You know I never really share all the "other" stuff that goes on in my daily life and family. It was nice to be able to share a brief glimps into some of the challenges we do face daily.

    Where will be meeting for lunch next time?

    Kate xoxoxo

  3. What a fun day. Gorgeous photos with both the point and shoot and Tony's super duper new camera. Love the sun set shots, so pretty.

  4. I used to live at the foot of Mt Coot-tha (near the cemetery). Thanks for the lovely photos, it brings back lots of lovely memories from living in Bris.

  5. It looks stunning - well worth the cost I'd say!! Don't cities look beautiful at sunset and later when the lights come on - any ugliness seems hidden then - I remember staying with our daughter in London once and seeing Canary Wharf all it up from my bedroom and thinking how lovely it looked. I see you have plenty of greenery in and round Brisbane too - lovely. Thanks for the trip!

  6. Those views are stunning. I love that pink light on the buildings. Coot-tha? What a funny name.

  7. Lovely pictures of Brisbane. I've never seen it from that viewpoint. It's really lovely.

    PS. Next time can you chuck in a picture or two of the food. I got hungry reading about it!

  8. Oh what a beautiful city Helen. Thank you for sharing these photos with us. Also your new piece of crocheting looks great to me. I apologise for not coming over lately, I've got a 'few' squares keeping me busy one way or another!
    Thanks for your comments,
    Hugs Suex
