Friday, August 5, 2011


Late yesterday afternoon I went back to school.
Back to my old high school that is.
It's the only place I'm pleased to be called an "Old Girl " !!

Yes, I'm an "Old Girl" of Brisbane Girls Grammar School and so is Sally and we went back to visit our old school on its Open Day.

BGGS is an inner-city, "private" high school for girls.
( read fee paying or in some places "public" school) 

It is over 100 years old and the old buildings are very beautiful and colonial in style.

Last night it was lit up with pretty lights and decorated with balloons in the school colours.

I love that the tradition of the school uniform has remained the same over the years.

Yes, that's me !!

and this is Sally !

(sorry about the quality of both, they've been scanned into the computer )


I checked out the Honour Boards but there was no sign of my name !

Present students had their artwork displayed....

and it was pretty darn good for 14 and 15 year olds .....

.... using all sorts of media - oil paints, charcoal,

photography and computers, ...

.... jewellery made from recycled materials too.

There were many changes from the time I was a pupil
over 40 years ago !!! )
and the modern "classrooms" looked terrific.

A HUGE  new building was lit up with colourful light displays

while inside girls and visitors milled around taking in the displays .... 

and attending performances.

The performers looked to be enjoying it too. 

One wall in the new building contained this statement of the school's vision.

The building also housed the new canteen... 


... very different to the old "tuckshop" that provided lunch on the days we didn't bring our own from home.

It didn't end there.
There is a new swimming pool..

and gymnasium too.

No wonder all the girls had big smiles on their faces.

It was lovely for Sally and I to reminisce about our time there and to see that the school is continuing its tradition in providing a fantastic education for young women.



  1. Wow that's some school isn't it? How lovely that your daughter went to the same school as you did too. Have a good weekend.

  2. Wow...can I come to Brisane and go to school again..what a great place!!!

  3. Wow! Quite a school. It's amazing what the kids do in school now. Kiddo has had 2 yrs of photography and she's better at Power Point then I am. She's 12.

  4. What a stunning place, so much going on.

  5. BGG looks pretty good, but i guess thats why it so $$$$ to attend!
