Wednesday, August 31, 2011


What a rush !!
I was going to give this month's Scavenger Hunt a miss until I saw a few and that got me going.
As a result I've been combing through all of our photos to find some to fit the bill.

I'm off to Hervey Bay to be with Dad for Fathers' Day so I'm going to make Photo Scavenger Hunts my favourite thing for Favourite Things Friday too.

Here are the photos for August:

1. a fountain

In the lovely grounds of Cliveden in the Chilterns, England on our recent holiday.

Coincidentally Tony and I lived next door to eachother when we were teenagers on a housing estate called Cliveden.

2. street food

London's Portobello Road Markets had some fantastic looking food.
That's me peeking through the gap way back in 2008.

3. mountains

It's hard to beat Canada for mountains. Taken in 2007 just after I retired.

4. bread

Where else but France !!!

5. a picnic

A picnic tea on Dover's Hill on our final night in the Cotswolds after a 3 week stay in Willersey in 2008

6. sport

The ANZAC Day AFL game in Melbourne.

A very special match for all Collingwood ( Magpies ) fans.
You always have to eat a pie at the footy !!!

7. a boat

Ahhhh ... what a setting!
Eilean Doonan castle, Dornie Scotland .

8. a market

Ludlow, Shropshire 2011

9. fabric

Pretty colours used in my latest quilty project.

10. something ancient

No, not me!
The wall !!!
Hadrian's Wall to be exact!
Many years ago.

11. a fair or festival

The ANZAC Day parade in Melbourne

12. something bizarre

You asked for it!
 Me, very unwillingly, wearing a Loch Ness Monster hat that only ridiculous tourists would buy !!

Well that's it for August.


Monday, August 29, 2011


This morning , as  happens every morning at the moment, I was woken by the birds.

There is a lot of bird action in my backyard at the moment because all the Grevilleas are flowering
and that means Lorikeets - lots of them!!

I tried to get some photos of the birds from our top terrace but with my zoom this was all I could do.

and even though the Lorikeets are very brightly covered they are difficult to make out in the photos.
(click to enlarge. There are about 4 of them in this photo)

In fact there are birds in all of these photos. I just can't zoom in close enough!

I need a camera with a better zoom !!!

This is the type of flower that they love. It's full of nectar and they are having a feast.

Since we were up and around at a reasonable hour we decided to zip into town on the bus and visit the Art Gallery where there is an exhibition that Tony was keen to see.
It's by the photographer Henri Cartier Bresson and is called
"The Man, the Image & the World "
On the way to the gallery we walked past the museum through this passageway.

These lifesize models of whales were swimming above us and a recording of their "singing" was playing.
Absolutely fantastic!

The exhibition was very good. We decided on a light bite of lunch here at the gallery

It must be lovely under this tree when it is in full leaf in the heat of Summer.

Then we were on the bus and home just in time as the first of the Spring thunderstorms began rolling in.

Time to batten down the hatches.

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Sunday, August 28, 2011


After such a gloomy, rainy day yesterday we woke up to sunshine and warm temperatures so we set off to have a walk in the city with the possibility of lunch somewhere along the way.
As usual we took the CityCat into town and got off this time at Riverside.

There were lots of people out and about, many of them from interstate and some from NZ as we had two big football games on last night. ( Bledisloe Cup v NZ - we WON !!! and an AFL game)

The cafes and restaurants along the river were chockers (crowded).

For a change we caught this little ferry across the river

so that we could walk back along the walkways towards Southbank where we would find somewhere for lunch.

It's a very pleasant walk with some sunny parts and some shade....

and all along the way are these little shelters/ lookouts built out over the river so that you can take in all the action on the river.

I couldn't believe there were a couple of fellows fishing here!

Can't imagine you could possibly catch anything worthwhile here in our muddy, salty river.

You have to share the path with bike riders whizzing past but there are designated areas for pedestrians and bikes clearly marked

and as long as you keep your wits about you all is fine.

I noticed this mango tree absolutely laden with blossom so perhaps we can look forward to lots of mangoes this Summer.

The Kookaburra Queen ( restaurant /pretend paddle wheeler) went by..

We walked past the ruins of the old wharves,

interesting artwork,

clever lighting with solar panels incorporated to supply electricity,

heaps of Water Dragons scampering around in the sunshine

( not my favourite animal but OK as long as they keep their distance - I know I'm a woose but some of them were big fellows !)

colourful bougainvillea

and kids having fun climbing trees!

( I think it's called a Curtain Fig )

By the time we found our cafe it was past 2 o'clock and we were really ready for this Vegie Delight Pizza.

( the yellow stuff is pumpkin otherwise known as butternut squash )

It disappeared so quickly I was lucky to get a photo!

Friday, August 26, 2011


Hello everyone out there in Blogland it's Friday again.
That means Favourite Things Friday
so if you'd like to join in just click on the button on my sidebar and it will take you to the lovely Mrs PJs who coordinates FTF.

Now today, with this FTF post, I'm giving you a glimpse of what a tragic person
I really am.
One of my all time favourite things is ......

The Brisbane International Airport !

We just love it !

When friends tell me they are going overseas we always volunteer to take them to the airport.

Our airport is a bit different to some we've seen overseas because it has a large visitors' area.

Aussies like to wave goodbye to friends and family who travel so there's lots of room to sit with them after they've checked in till it's time for them to go through customs to the departure lounge.

We love to go and "see them off ".

have a coffee,

check out the arrivals and departure boards,

browse through the shops,

pretend it's us that's taking this flight somewhere overseas

and generally soak up the whole atmosphere.

Yep, a bit tragic I can hear you saying !


(Most photos today from the internet)