Sunday, August 28, 2011


After such a gloomy, rainy day yesterday we woke up to sunshine and warm temperatures so we set off to have a walk in the city with the possibility of lunch somewhere along the way.
As usual we took the CityCat into town and got off this time at Riverside.

There were lots of people out and about, many of them from interstate and some from NZ as we had two big football games on last night. ( Bledisloe Cup v NZ - we WON !!! and an AFL game)

The cafes and restaurants along the river were chockers (crowded).

For a change we caught this little ferry across the river

so that we could walk back along the walkways towards Southbank where we would find somewhere for lunch.

It's a very pleasant walk with some sunny parts and some shade....

and all along the way are these little shelters/ lookouts built out over the river so that you can take in all the action on the river.

I couldn't believe there were a couple of fellows fishing here!

Can't imagine you could possibly catch anything worthwhile here in our muddy, salty river.

You have to share the path with bike riders whizzing past but there are designated areas for pedestrians and bikes clearly marked

and as long as you keep your wits about you all is fine.

I noticed this mango tree absolutely laden with blossom so perhaps we can look forward to lots of mangoes this Summer.

The Kookaburra Queen ( restaurant /pretend paddle wheeler) went by..

We walked past the ruins of the old wharves,

interesting artwork,

clever lighting with solar panels incorporated to supply electricity,

heaps of Water Dragons scampering around in the sunshine

( not my favourite animal but OK as long as they keep their distance - I know I'm a woose but some of them were big fellows !)

colourful bougainvillea

and kids having fun climbing trees!

( I think it's called a Curtain Fig )

By the time we found our cafe it was past 2 o'clock and we were really ready for this Vegie Delight Pizza.

( the yellow stuff is pumpkin otherwise known as butternut squash )

It disappeared so quickly I was lucky to get a photo!


  1. Looks like a lovely walk and delicious meal at the end of it. How different to our walk along the South Bank of the Thames recently though! It's great that your city has such lovely places as well as the built up parts - comes of being a fairly recently built place I guess whereas ours have developed over the centuries and are far more cramped. Sun's out this morning so must get on with our day.

  2. Lovely walk. I love the water dragons and your pizza has made me hungry!! Pizza is one of my favourites :)

  3. It was a beautiful day up here too. I haven't walked along the river like that for quite awhile.

  4. I was in town yesterday, but it was wet so we didnt walk around, only had time to take out my mother for lunch and head back up north in the pouring rain!

  5. Love the lookouts and the solar panel sculptures. That is very clever. Thanks for showing them.

  6. Another delightful photo journey. I thought "Share The Path" was a Mormon religious treatise!

  7. Great tour today, thank you! The pizza looks delicious, too!

  8. I enjoyed your post.Thanks for sharing your day with us.

  9. I love wandering around with you on your travels. It makes me feel like Im getting to know all the places you love to visit.

    It looks like you have a leisurely and enjoyable day. That pizza looks very tempting!

  10. We call your curtain fig a banyan tree. We used to see them when we lived in Florida, but not this far north (Georgia).

  11. Thanks for the tour. I have enjoyed our walk-a-bout. Glad to see some nice weather there. Your city looks so clean and fresh, like all that white was just painted.

  12. It looks great. I liked the little reptile, the curtain fig and the pizza.
    I hate those shared cycle paths.My old Dad came within a whisker of being flattened by a cyclist on one of those. He just wavered to one side on his little legs and was very narrowly missed. I would never take a pony on one.

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