Monday, May 23, 2011


On our last day in Lynton we decided to do the walk to the Valley of Rocks.

We set off along a path through a lovely green tunnel of trees walking upwards, ever upwards but not too steeply thank goodness!

Before too long we broke out of the trees and followed a narrow path that clung to the hillside overlooking the Bristol Channel.

We rounded a corner and lovely pastoral views appeared and wound our way down into a little valley.

The weather was fine but misty and cloudy but as the track rose out of the valley towards the sea again it began to clear.

Before long it was blue skies and sunshine ....

.. and this breath-taking view.

Time to pause, click and click some more.

Set the timer and pose!!

It was hard to drag ourselves away but finally we rounded the bend and started back towards Lynton.

As the path went back towards Lynton it wove its way through these lovely rhododendrons.

and lovely bright green ferns .

We chose the low path and ended up at the entrance to Lynmouth harbour....

..where we walked around for the final time before heading back up the cliff via the cliff railway then home to pack up ready to move on to Ludlow.

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  1. Absolutely gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. We did that walk many years ago and it hasn't changed much! I just love that part of our beautiful country and am glad that you enjoyed it too. Enjoy Ludlow but watch your waistline as it is a foodie town and it will be hard to resist!

  3. Oh, it's so lovely. You have given us loads of ideas of places to visit. Exmoor is one of our favourite areas but we have never been to the Valley of the Rocks. It is now on definitely on the list.
