Wednesday, May 25, 2011


On our way from Lynton to Ludlow we drove through the Wye Valley in Wales.

We hadn't gone far into the valley when we came upon the magnificent ruins of Tintern Abbey.

Of course we had to stop and explore and once inside the ruin we were very glad we had stopped.

The building, of course, has long since lost its roof but what remains is astounding, absolutely HUGE !!

The ancient structure towers toward the sky.

We wandered .......

and gazed around in awe.

See how the people are dwarfed by the size of it.

It made a lovely break and the nearby pub served up a good lunch before we set off again.

We were not disappointed by our next cottage.

Isn't it lovely?
It was delightful inside too.( I'll show you more in another post all about cottages )

 It is part of a huge manor house - that's it on the left end.

It made a lovely comfortable base for our stay....

and our hosts , who lived in the main house and ran it as a B&B
were absolutely delightful.

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  1. So glad you are finding some lovely cottages and enjoying your holiday. Tintern Abbey is not far from my mother's family home in the Forest of Dean just across the border in England and I once sat a scholarship exam along with some of my classmates for a place at Monmouth school not far from Tintern either!

    Blogger is playing up and won't allow some of us to leave comments other than as Anonomous!! But it's really me - Jane at Marigold Jam!

  2. I'm glad you found Tintern Abbey too. I have been there a couple of times, it's magnificent.
    I went to Tintern School in Melbourne which was named after Tintern Abbey.

  3. I loved your photos of the walk you did the other day, but Blogger was playing up. What a great place you have found now:) Not Anonomous but greenthumb over at mabe with love

  4. You have given us another place for our list of places to visit. I have said I love the Wye Valley but have never really explored south of Ross on Wye.
    Lovely timbered cottage! You have chosen such beautiful places to visit, many areas being my personal favourites. I think you are a lady after my own heart.
