Sunday, May 22, 2011


Have a look at this gorgeous pub !
This is one of the things we love most about England - well, really the counrtyside of the whole of the UK and Ireland is full of delightful places like this.

Warm and inviting inside.

A cosy fire for cold days and nights.
( just opened at midday)

Friendly people who are happy to chat to strangers - eager to give them tips on good places to go and interesting things to see in the local area.
This has to be our favourite pub among many good ones we have visited this trip.

.... and wonderful food ( for only 11.25GBP ) !

We're in our element !!

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  1. But where is it?! Looks great and so glad you are continuing to enjoy your time in UK.

  2. Hi Helen, been catching up on your lovely trip to the UK - fab piccies and so glad you are having a great time - and you bought the dry weather with you - well done!!! x

  3. Is that your lunch? Wow! Stunning. What is it? Lamb? It looks a lovely place. Ragleth? Is it a little bit Welsh?

  4. I just love it when I read blogs and the kind author has posted pics which just reinforce my romantic idea of how Europe and other far off places look! I've never been farther than shore to shore in the US and Hawaii, but someday I'm taking a trip across the Atlantic. Thanks for these little snippets of "travel brochures"...I love it!

  5. I think the reason that people are nice to you is that you give off positive vibes. If you were grumpy, chauvinistic Aussies subconsciously wanting to get home from the moment you arrived this would also transmit to others. As an Englishman it is delightful to see my country through your eyes.

  6. I can't tell you how much pleasure it gives me to know that you are enjoying our little country xx

  7. Glad you are enjoying yourselves and especially enjoying our British pubs.

  8. The first thing I think of that represents England or Ireland is PUBS!!!! Wish I could join you, they look wonderful
    I have found one tiny exquisite English style pub down here, but it is a bit of a drive. But so quaint
