Sunday, May 8, 2011

Adventures in Dorset - Part 3

As you will have noticed I am having huge difficulties with internet connections so the formating of these posts is sometimes a little strange. Please forgive all my mistakes, it is very difficult to review and make corrections. Reading your blogs is quite beyond me at the moment but when we get to Wales we will definitely have a much better connection so I will catch up then.
These holiday post may not hold too much interest for all.


Wednesday was a bright sunny but very windy day so we headed to Lyme Regis on the coast , about a thirty minute drive along good scenic roads. Lyme Regis is renowned for its fossils which have been found here for hundreds of years. There are a lot on display in shops throughout this area and I must say they are very spectacular. Typical of all these old coastal villages the roads narrow as you enter them and you have to park at the top of the village/town then walk down narrow winding streets.
We passed the old mill and we discovered a little coffee shop tucked away behind an art gallery and built right on the stream. We both had a hot chocolate and shared a slice of treacle tart with cream – delicious and my new favourite !

The beach at Lyme Regis is covered in pebbles – so different to what we are used to. All along the foreshore are little beach huts which are available to hire.

We assumed that these were so that people could change into their clothes after a swim but this did not appear to be the case as we were able to peek into a few of them and the first contained a couple sitting on deckchairs all rugged up reading books and drinking tea!! 

The next one contained a family – mum, dad, grandma, baby and older child all squashed around a card table having lunch out of the wind. Very different to Australia.

We stopped and had soup for lunch at the bakery on the way out then headed off to Forde Abbey and Garden. On the way we passed through the loveliest countryside and chocolate box villages many of them with thatched cottages.
We toured the house which was once was the abbey  - absolutely delightful but no photography allowed, then walked through the very pretty gardens before setting off for home.


  1. so happy to know you are enjoying yourselves in our little country ;-)

  2. Glad you enjoyed Forde Abbey. Meant to mention the cafe at the Old Mill so glad you found it. Did you find any fossils on the beach? Hope you are enjoying the North Devon coast now?


  3. I'm really enjoying reading your holiday posts Helen. That beach is really different to ours isnt it! I'm glad that people are still making use of the beach houses even if they arent using them for changing!

  4. Don't worry about glitchy posts - which I haven't notived anyway. It's very good of you to post at all on hols.
    We once had a hol in the area near Chard and Forde Abbey and loved the cute thatched villages too.
    It's typical of Brits to go to the beach and huddle against the cold. Beach huts seem to be like second homes and I hear they can even cost as much as houses!

  5. "The French Lieutenant's Woman" by John Fowles is mostly set around Lyme Regis. A very good read. The film didn't do it justice in my view.

  6. Love the pictures! Thank you so much for sharing. Hope you are having a grand time!

  7. Great photos as usual Helen. Enjoying 'being on holidays' with you!
