Saturday, May 14, 2011


Sorry for the long break but out phone/internet coverage has been very poor.
I have lots to tell you about our last two weeks so I'll spread it out  as I try not to bore you too much.


Thank goodness the wind had dropped when we set off for Chesil Beach and Fleet Lagoon near Portland. This amazing stretch of pebble bank encloses a huge lagoon which is a haven for wild life.

After parking the car we set off over the pebbles towards the high pebble bank that runs for miles along the beach but were deflected from this by the sight of a gorgeous display of pink wildflowers stretching in front of us towards the mainland – I’ve no idea what flower this is but I’m sure someone out there will know. It looked a lot like a clover flower but was a lovely pink and I could not find any leaves to check

Next we set out for Kingston Lacey, a stately home once owned and occupied by the Bankes family. The grounds are stunning with green fields dotted with sheep and cattle and huge Chestnut and Lime trees.

There were lovely gardens to roam through and the house was delightful. For once we were allowed to take photos inside which is very unusual. It is a National Trust property so we joined while we were there.

Finally here is another flower for you to identify for me.

Large bush , very common in the hedgerows, leaf reminds me a little of an oak leaf.)



  1. Pretty flowers, but sorry I don't know what they are. Hope the weather stays more cooperative.

  2. I think the flowers might be Thrift (Sea Daisy) grows on very dry land near the sea.
    The weather is being kind!
    Julie xxxxxx

  3. The other blossom is Hawthorn has red berries in the Autumn
    Julie xxxxxx

  4. SOunds like you are having a great time Helen. I vivited Sherbourne Abbey last Thursday, for the first time, with my Blog friend Leanne. It was neat to think I was looking at all the things you had seen a few days previously.

  5. Hiya! The pink ones are 'sea pinks' or 'thrift'.
    Have you seen any pink hawthorn? It comes in pink occasionally, sometimes a very deep shade, almost red. You can eat hawthorn leaves, you know.
